Oct 1, 2022


He who the Son sets free, is free indeed! - John 8:36

Earlier in the year I was trusting God to lead me to my next place of residence. My lease was up where I was at and I knew God was calling me to this town he had been bringing me to every day for work. During this time I met a woman who told me God was telling her I needed a place to stay and she made me a very  good offer that was above and beyond budget friendly. I always look for God to confirm things to me and in this case I felt I had a few confirmations this was where He was leading me. 

The woman was from Pennsylvania so that was my first confirmation. Second one.... I had what I thought was a prophetic dream that took place inside her house, even though I had never seen it before. Once I stepped foot in I recognized the kitchen/dining room exactly as I had seen in the dream. My third confirmation was she repeated almost word for word two different conversations I had recently with my man. 

I was sure this was where God was leading me to go. But let me tell you... the devil is a liar! Once I had moved in and realized the extent of the living conditions of the house I often questioned...would God want me to live in these conditions? As the months went by I began to struggle with my spiritual life, but not to the point where it was non-existent. The more time that went by the more blind I became to things and my discernment seemed to be out the window. I had no clue how drained I had become.... not just spiritually, but physically, and mentally also. 

I have no desire to blast anyone's business but I will say this "Not everyone who says Lord Lord is of God". You cannot be practicing witchcraft and be of the light. I began to see how demonized everyone was and God began to open my eyes. 

In the beginning of September I went home to Pennsylvania to visit my family for our family reunion. We had planned this reunion for months and I was partially in charge of it. As I stood in my closet packing my clothes to leave I was literally crying my eyes out. I didn't want to go and had no clue why. I flew in the next morning and while passing through the town I had left just a year prior, I realized there was nothing there for me anymore. God had removed me from all the "friends" I had there, I had left my career there and no longer had a life there. Florida is definitely my home. I have new friends, an amazing relationship with a man who loves me unconditionally and sees me through God's eyes, and we have our own businesses here. 

 I absolutely loved spending time with my family, especially my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews. When I returned home my brother and I were texting back and forth and he said "I bet it feels good to be home". I sat on my bed really pondering that statement and realized NO.... it didn't! 

I was feeling under the weather from a sinus infection, and had come home to lots of drama. I HAD ENOUGH! I spent that night in a hotel room to clear my thoughts and shut everyone out. I blocked everyone on Facebook and from my phone who was part of the problem. One of the biggest problems was the person I was living with. I could block them all day but living under the same roof as them made it impossible to ignore them all together. I decided it was time to start looking for a new place. 

One morning a couple days later I was in the shower having a conversation with God. I cried out to Him, Lord I surrender it all to you. Your word says that Your yoke is easy... I'm giving you mine and I'm taking yours. I got out of the shower and as I went into my room I found it so difficult to pray. I had no energy and just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep. I felt Holy Spirit telling me to sit up and pray but I just couldn't. All of a sudden a cough swelled up out of me that was nothing short of supernatural and I immediately felt so energized and so refreshed. I physically felt this cloud of heaviness and darkness leave me. It was God... He was moving and this was just the beginning. 

That very same day I found a new place which is completely perfect for my short term needs. Thanks to my friend Gina I was out of that place and into my new one within twenty-four hours. Once I was completely out I felt so free. I cannot put into words the freedom I've been living in since moving out. I had no idea just how oppressed I was. It's as if I was living under this demonic dark cloud and had no clue. What the enemy means for evil, God turns it around for good. Had I never experienced the oppression, I wouldn't fully comprehend the freedom!

 The devil had surely blinded me. In regards to the "confirmations" I had prior to moving in to that house...God sends me prophetic dreams but the devil is the source of dreams also. As for the repeated conversations...just as we have angels assigned to us, the devil also assigns demons to us that follow us around and watch our every move. They are called familiar spirits. That's a whole other conversation for another day, but just know, these familiar spirits provided the intel for this woman to repeat my conversations to me. On numerous occasions a seer friend relayed a warning to me regarding being in that house but I didn't realize the importance of it and dismissed it. 

It is so important to stay plugged in to God. I recently heard someone use the example of our cell phone. We can't plug our cell phone in for five minutes and expect it to be charged. Just like our cell phones, we can't plug into God for five minutes and expect to be renewed.  We need to stay in the presence of God, continuously read and meditate on His word, pray, and constantly renew our mind. 

God gave me that word yesterday while in prayer. I heard him tell me I need to renew my mind. I looked up "How to renew my mind". This is what I found:

  1. Step 1: Ask the Lord to guard and direct your mind.
  2. Step 2: Recognize the source of self-focused and self-defeating thoughts.
  3. Step 3: Replace self-focused thinking with a God-focused mindset.
  4. Step 4: Rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ.
  5. Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 daily.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2

I prayed and asked God to help me to renew my mind. I asked him to help me to keep my thoughts on things of Him and to give me the strength and will power to do so.  Yesterday I was in the middle of a four hour drive and felt tired. I don't listen to secular music and thought I had removed them all from my play list two years ago. Somehow I had managed to miss an old favorite by Post Malone and in the midst of my travels it came on. I began to sing along and as I did memories of an old boyfriend started to resurface and next thing you know memories of an old best friend started to come to mind. All of a sudden the song switched on it's own and "Oh Holy Night" began to play. Everything in my flesh wanted to turn that song back on and continue going down memory lane, but the Spirit in me would not permit it. I had asked God that very morning to help me to renew my mind and to give me the will power to keep my thoughts on things that were of Him. He was answering my prayers. 

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom - 2 Corinthians 3:17

I love you and pray that God gives you the strength and will power to stay focused on things that are of Him.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

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