Aug 3, 2024

As I was on vacation last week, the Lord kept speaking to me about "A Father's Love". I knew it was a blog post title but didn't realize it was going to be about my biological father. 

I met my father when I was fourteen. My mother's parents raised me since birth and did their best to shelter me from the outside world, including my dad. As a child, I knew of him, but never met him personally. I knew him as the man with the bandana who went to yard sales looking for old 8-tracks and records. One time he came to our yard sale and my family rushed me in the house, out of his view. Occasionally I'd catch sight of him at the local post office with his wife, Lisa, and small children in their little red car. I was afraid of him at the time. As an adult, I understand now I had no reason to be, but at the same time I understand my grandparents desire to keep me away. 

When I was in second grade my grandfather died. Shortly after, my grandmother received a letter in the mail stating my father was requesting visitation privileges. They weren't granted. 

I became rebellious as a teenager and began dating the older neighbor guy, Willard. He was friends with my dad's family and encouraged me to get to know them. As adolescents, we rarely see the big picture and my intentions were not pure. I thought I could go live with my dad or his mom and they would be less strict in keeping me from Willard. 

I told my grandmother I wanted to meet my dad. She didn't understand and was very hurt, but honored my request. My uncle Dave arranged everything and one afternoon my dad, his mother, and my little brother and sister came to my house to meet me. That was the beginning of my relationship with my father. As the years progressed our relationship grew. When I was in foster care he would come to the scheduled visits and we would go shopping or to get something to eat. When I turned eighteen and was released from foster care, he would often take me to visit my grandmother and great grandmother. Afterwards, we would go to his house and I'd spend time visiting him and my siblings. 

When I left my hometown, my dad and I maintained a long distant relationship. I'd stop by to visit every time I returned. My dad and I weren't close, but I respected him and tried to maintain communication with him even though it was few and far between. His efforts to keep in touch far exceeded mine. 

About a month ago, I got a phone call from my step-mom. She had stopped by to visit my dad and seen he wasn't doing well. Being a nurse, she knew the signs she was seeing and wanted to prepare me for what appeared to be coming. The next time he called me I made sure to answer the phone. I knew immediately he was ill, I could hear it in his voice. Holy Spirit's presence was heavy on me during that phone call and I knew I needed to speak with him regarding his salvation. He told me he knew Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior and knew he was going to Heaven when he died. I had no choice but to believe him. I prayed with him that night before hanging up but I knew when I went home to Pennsylvania two weeks later something was going to happen. I wasn't sure I would see my dad again and was prepared to go home to a funeral. 

Not long after arriving in town last Friday, I stopped by my dads. When he didn't respond, I let myself in and found him un-responsive on the floor. He almost immediately came to and requested that I call 911. He looked very ill and I could see how much weight he had lost as he crawled across the floor to be next to me. I immediately text my step mom to let her know what was going on. She had been there a bit earlier and confessed to me that she had been praying to God to send help for my dad since he was refusing her assistance. God had answered her prayers and sent me. 

When I visited dad in the hospital the next day he didn't know who I was. He had just had a seizure a bit earlier and the nurses were getting him settled. The Lord was telling me to pray with him but I was stuck in a zone. I left, ignoring the Holy Spirits unctioning. On the way home that evening, I told Sedrick I would have regrets if my dad passed away before morning. Holy Spirit reminded me of a past experience where I prayed for a man on his death bed and his spiritual eyes were opened to Jesus in the last minutes. God was telling me to go back, but I didn't. 

When my step mom called me hours later in the middle of the night, I feared she was calling with bad news. The hospital was seeking advice on putting him on a ventilator and she wanted my thoughts. Immediately my step moms words came to mind that she spoke to me earlier that evening.... "I prayed and asked God to not let him suffer". That was my response. My mom was with me when the call came in and I knew God was speaking to me through her when she said "If he's that sick, you can go see him now". I got dressed and met Lisa at the hospital. She asked my dad his wishes and he made it clear he was ready to go. 

When she left, I sat beside my dad and watched him sleep for a bit. I put my hand on his and began to pray. Immediately his monitor started beeping and I knew it wasn't just my hand on his, but it was Jesus who was touching him. I prayed as Holy Spirit led me. I stood in the gap and repented for the sins of my father. I prayed for his salvation and asked the Lord to open his spiritual eyes. I bound every spirit of fear and declared 2 Timothy 1:7 over my father. The Lord didn't give him a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. When I took my hand off, the monitor returned to normal. 

The Bible tells us in Job 32:22-24 - "They are at death's door; the angels of death wait for them. But if an angel from heaven appears- a special messenger to intercede for a person and declare that he is upright- he will be gracious and say, Rescue him from the grave, for I have found a ransom for his life.' 

Continuing in verse 29 - Yes, God does these things again and again for people. He rescues them from the grave so they may enjoy the light of life.

As Jesus hung on the cross, he said "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Jesus was interceding in that moment. That's what He does and that's what we are called to do as intercessors. We are called to intercede for others and that is exactly what I did for my father. I stood in the gap and interceded, asking God to forgive him of his sins. 

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

As I sat there watching my father, he opened his eyes and for the first time he recognized me, knowing who I was and for the very last time he told me he loved me. I knew when I left there my dad would leave this Earth behind very soon and I'd not see him here again. The next morning at 11:25 AM my father passed away. 

My step mom called to tell me and after hanging up with her I fell right back to sleep. When I awoke, the following lyrics resounded in my mind... "Livin on love, buying on time, without somebody nothin ain't worth a dime". I knew the Lord was telling me that my dad was very alone here and really had no one. He and my step mom had went their separate ways many many years ago but they still cared for one another deeply and she was there for him more than any other. As I closed my eyes once more, I seen my father hugging his mom at the gates of Heaven and I knew he had made it to spend an eternity with Jesus. 

A few days later as I was sharing this story with one of my best friends, she shared with me that the Lord was showing her that the generational curses had been broken and the Lord had put a seal on it. I was now walking in the generational blessings. Thank you Jesus! As I sat writing this in this very moment, Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was the repentance of my dads sins that broke the generational curses. I know my father loved all of his children very much, including me. Even though our relationship was estranged most of the time, I have no regrets. God ordered my steps to be there last weekend and I feel the mission he sent me on was accomplished. 

I pray this testimony has touched you in some way. As always...If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, or reach out to me you can use the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I pray numerous times daily and will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

May God bless you!

Holly W <3

Aug 1, 2024

A few weeks ago, while discussing things to do while visiting Pennsylvania, I was reminded that I always wanted to visit Old Swede Church but never did. I had spent many years living in the suburbs of Philly as an adult and always tried to avoid the city as much as possible. 

A few fun facts about the Gloria Dei Old Swede Church...

  • It's the oldest church building in Pennsylvania
  • It's the oldest surviving brick building in Philadelphia
  • It's the oldest ongoing congregation in the United States
  • It was built in the 1600's
  • Betsy Ross was married in this church
  • Benjamin Franklin put lighting rods on the roof of this church
  • Sailors would come to this church at night to get married. They would hang a replica of a ship from the ceiling in hopes they would one day return.
  • My great great great grandfather was a preacher at this church
  • My grandparents were married at this church

On January 8, 1955 my grandparents were married in this church with approximately 250 in attendance. My grandmother has always played such a huge role in my life and when she passed it was hard for everyone who loved her, including myself. Prior to leaving PA and moving to Florida, I wanted to check the church out, ride by and take a photo or two, but I never did. As Sedrick and I were discussing ideas, I had a vision of my grandmother standing on the church property, preparing to walk down the aisle. I imagined what she was experiencing, nervousness and excitement. I thought about my own upcoming wedding and standing there in her shoes. 

I added it to my list of things to do. When we began our sightseeing tour, visiting the church had slipped my mind. Once I remembered, I put it in the GPS and much to our surprise, it was right around the corner. We pulled up to a huge piece of property that had multiple buildings on it and looked to be a historic site. I wasn't sure how to get to the church itself and felt a bit irritable at the thought of trying to find it. My idea was to spot the church, snap a photo, and be out of there. But God had other plans!

Sedrick took it upon himself to ask one of the many people in the vicinity for instructions. The woman he spoke to just happened to be the groundskeeper. He explained to her that my grandparents had gotten married there and we were there visiting. She insisted that she take us to the office where they keep all the records and we speak to the woman in charge there. When we got to the office, the door was locked and we assumed she had left for the day. As we turned to walk away, she came to the door as she was about to leave. The groundskeeper explained the situation and the woman invited us in. She looked up their marriage information and shared all the details with us. The date they were married, where they lived at the time, even the witnesses of those in attendance. She emailed me all the information the following morning. 

Next the groundskeeper unlocked the church and allowed Sedrick and I to go in and spend time alone. It was a very surreal moment. As I stood at the back of the church, I could feel myself in my grandmother's shoes, preparing to walk down the aisle to my grandfather who was waiting for her at the alter. 

At one point I sat in the pew and a vision ran through my mind of watching my grandparents get married from the perspective of a guest at the wedding. The experience was very surreal and very emotional for me. My grandmother  raised me since I was born and played the mother role in my life. She was unique and one of a kind, truly a woman of God who made a huge impact not only on my life but everyone who came into contact with her. 

There are no coincidence's with God. It was no coincidence Sedrick just happened to talk to the groundskeeper, or that the woman in the office was still there. It was only God who gave me that vision a couple weeks ago that led me to this church in the first place. My trip to Pennsylvania was truly ordained by God and this is only the beginning of my journey with Him that week. He's a good good Father and I'm so blessed by Him. 

Stay tuned.... a bigger God story is coming next....A Father's Love. You won't want to miss it. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

July 7, 2024

Sedrick and I started out as friends, years ago before losing contact with each other in 2019. A couple years later, as God was shutting every old door in my life, He brought Sedrick back into my life. We picked up where we left off and continued our friendship. 

I will never forget the night we sat up talking for hours on the phone, when he told me with shock in his voice that I was going to be his wife. I refused to come into agreement with it because I know the power of agreement and the power of our words. It was in that moment, Holy Spirit whispered in my ear "Don't be so quick to speak" and I literally felt my heart melt. I quietly told God He was going to have to prove this one to me. 

In the weeks and months that followed, I sought God diligently. I needed Him to show me this and to confirm it to me. My God is faithful and as I requested, He confirmed it to me time and time again. But every time, the enemy would sneak in my head and steal the confirmations from me, replacing them with doubt. 

Finally, one morning on my way to church the Lord gave me a vision. I seen three pair of shoes, standing in the grass. One belonged to me, one to Sedrick, and the other to our pastor. It was a wedding and I heard the Lord say "You will be married before me". 

At the time Sedrick was still incarcerated and our journey to prove his innocence hadn't even begun yet. He still had another two years before he came up for parole and another twenty-five years at least before he maxed out. Scenarios played out in my mind of how we would get married. Would we get married in prison? Would we file in Alabama where you could do it all through the mail? 

On July 31, 2022, Sedrick and I sat together at our little table in the visiting room in the midst of all the others visiting and between the two of us and God we said our vows to each other. We made promises to each other that came from our heart in the presence of God. For us, we knew that was enough for the time being. We knew God had brought us together and our relationship was ordained by the Lord. 

When Sedrick came home, I had high expectations. I expected us to get married immediately. How could we possibly live together in the same household and remain obedient to the Lord. Let me tell you, it was God. It was our love for each other and our love for Jesus that made being obedient not so hard. There were so many times I would get upset and not understand why Sedrick wasn't ready to marry me. I would feel some way when people would ask if he got me a ring yet and what was the hold up. 

I've never been locked up. I've never been hidden or kept away from the outside world. I've never been in Sedrick's shoes. God began to show me, this man was readjusting to life in this world. A lot had changed in the past twenty years. 

Isaiah 60:22 - "When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen".

The time has come, and the Lord has made it happen. Sedrick and I are engaged to be legally married and we look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. I have stepped back and told the Lord "Your will, not mine". His plans are so much better. It has been an amazing journey and I look forward to sharing all the details of each step that the Lord has planned for our wedding. In the blogs to come I will share with you His plans and how He has revealed them to me.... from the wedding date, the venue, the favors, the bakery, and everything else He has in store! 

1 Corinthians 2:9 - "But as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him'".

If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, you can reach out to me by using the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

I pray that God blesses you abundantly and your week is filled with joy and love! 

May God bless you!

Holly W <3



Dec 25, 2023

I've often heard "everything that glitters, is not gold". I've learned that "not every good thing is a God thing". 

Prior to leaving Pennsylvania in 2021, I received a prophetic word that God was going to give me a very "favorable" home. At the time I expected instantaneous results and thought every word was a "now" word. I had stepped out in faith, leaving behind my entire life and embarked on an Abraham journey, going where the Lord was leading Destin, Florida. I had left behind my prestigious career, a boyfriend, my family, my home, and all my belongings, trusting God to not only guide me but to also provide. 

A week after arriving, He led me to a local Airbnb where I rented a room in a beautiful home for a week at a time. A few weeks in, the owners offered me a short term lease that ran month to month for the remainder of the season. I was living off my savings at the time and had applied for a few jobs in my line of work, mostly being proactive. I was trusting God that He was going to lead me where He wanted me to be. 

A lady from my church mentioned to me that she had met a woman needing someone to stay in her home and hang out with her mother and had immediately thought of me. She shared the contact information with me and the next day I showed up to meet the woman. She owned a specialty shop in the area. I walked in and introduced myself and we immediately hit it off. I hung out at the store, chatting with her between customers. She was ecstatic and offered me the position immediately. 

That night we had dinner together and she took me to her home to show me around. She lived in a five bedroom, five bathroom home in a gated community just minutes from my church. How perfect! The offer included free room and board, my own master bedroom with master bath, and $600 cash per week. All I had to do was hang out with her elderly mother while she was at work and make sure she didn't wonder off. 

1 Corinthians 2:9 says "That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.

Wow!!!! I never imagined this or even seen it coming. I kept thinking about the "favorable home" and thought, wow, this is it! But at the same time I couldn't escape the thoughts that God was giving ME a home, not for me to live in someone else's favorable home. I told her I'd think about it and let her know my decision in the next day or two. 

By the end of the night I had decided I was going to take the position. How could I not? This was such a blessing. We made arrangements for me to move in the following day. 

The next day I got up and began packing up my belongings that were in my room. I was dreading telling my landlord I was moving out. They were such nice people and had been so good to me, not to mention I had just signed the month to month lease. I dreaded telling them and was hoping they wouldn't be home when I left. As I sat gathering up the courage to face them, I wasted time scrolling fakebook. I came across a post that said "Don't move until I speak - God". Was this a message for me? It sure felt like it. I ignored it and called the woman to let her know I would be there shortly. 

Much to my dismay, the phone conversation didn't go as I had expected. She informed me that her sisters were not comfortable with a stranger taking care of their mother and they were going to put her in a nursing home. What? How could this happen? I was completely bummed out. I was so looking forward to this. I sat on the bed talking to Holy Spirit and asked him what happened. He responded and told me it just wasn't a part of God's plan for me. 

At the time, I didn't understand. This appeared to be the perfect opportunity. The Bible tells us, we only see in part, our ways are not God's ways. He sees the end to the beginning and the truth was He had much greater things in store for me. 

Fast forward a couple months, God used my house mate to connect me to a business opportunity that led to Sedrick and I owning our own transportation business. Had that position panned out and I moved out of that room prematurely, I would have settled for far less than what the Lord had for me. 

That same day I received the prophetic word about the house, it was also spoken that in this season the Lord was not going to allow me to settle. He was going to remove all the snares and all the people away from me that would affect my destiny. God is not a man that He should lie, and just as He promised, He was removing the snares and not allowing me to settle.

As of today, I have yet to physically see that favorable home but when God speaks something, that settles it. I have lived and experienced the favor and the blessings of the Lord and I continue to walk in them everyday. He has truly exceeded my greatest expectation in so many areas of my life and I watch 1 Corinthians 2:9 unfold before me every day. 

The moral of my story.... Not every good thing is a God thing. Trust Him. He knows what He's doing and He doesn't need our input. He knows better than we do. 

If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, you can reach out to me by using the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

I pray that God blesses you abundantly and your week is filled with joy and love! 

May God bless you!

Holly W <3



Oct 22, 2023

Imagine one day waking up to learn you have pending charges in another state that you knew nothing about. Surely it must be a mistake.... but it's not! Sedrick, who lived in Pennsylvania had his whole life ahead of him. A good job working at UPS, a young daughter he loved, a home, and years of a promising future ahead... until one day in the blink of an eye it was all stolen from him. 

In 1993, three young teenagers had robbed several homes in a Georgia neighborhood, and ultimately raping one of the victims. She identified two of the young men from a high school year book, neither of them being Sedrick. The ring leader was caught and named two innocent men as his accomplices, one of them being Sedrick. At this time he was living at his home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with no knowledge of any of this. Six years passed and one day Sedrick's life was forever changed. He was arrested and extradited to Georgia to face charges for crimes he knew nothing about. 

DNA at the time of trial did not match either men, however a jury found both men guilty regardless of all evidence proving their innocence. The victim herself stated it was neither of them, but the prosecution and investigators insisted she was confused. Sedrick was sentenced to fifty years in prison. 

Five years ago, Sedrick and I crossed paths. He was a good man and a great friend. I couldn't necessarily say the same for myself. At the time I was living my "best life" hanging out with all my friends and partying. We ended up losing contact until three years later, the day before God moved me to Destin Florida. At this point in time, I was a completely changed person. I had fallen in love with Jesus and my life revolved only around Him. God had removed me from all the people, places, and things that were once the center of my attention. As time went on, God began to prove to me (and him) that He had created us for each other. 

As I adjusted to my new life in Florida, I became best friends with Gina, a waitress at the Waffle House where I had stopped for dinner one night on my way home from church. Sedrick had shared much of his story with me at this point, showing me news articles and paperwork that proved his innocence. I shared this information with Gina and she insisted that we do something to help him. I thought it was impossible for us to make a difference and it was.... but it was not impossible for God. 

Before embarking on this journey, God showed us visions of what was to come through prophetic words and visions that he continued to confirm every step of the way. He showed us that the public defender that initially represented Sedrick would be the judge to set him free. God showed me a vision of a chess board, and I seen the hand of God reaching down and moving chess pieces around strategically. He had placed each one of us in these positions for such a time as this. 

I reached out to a few lawyers, each one of them wanting 50K to 100K down. But one lawyer, who knew the case inside and out, told me he had been waiting for my phone call for two years. He had previously set the other innocent co-defendant free two years prior. He requested a small amount of $2,500. At the time I didn't have the money but was trusting God to provide. Several months later, I heard Him tell me in the small voice to "send the check". I was trusting God on this one because I still didn't have that amount... but sure enough by the end of the week I had over $3,000 in my bank account. 

It was a long year and a half of standing on the Word of God and contending for the promises but on December 30, 2022 (my birthday) the motion was filed in the courts to request a new trial. In order for this motion to be granted, six requirements must be met and even if they are, the judge still has the option to deny the motion. It's very rare these are granted. On May 15, 2023(Sedrick's birthday), the motion was granted. Only God!

At this point, Sedrick should have been released from state prison and returned to the county jail for a new trial, but somehow the paperwork got lost and things were delayed. In mid August he was finally released and sent back to county jail to await a bond hearing. With the charges he had been accused of, it would only be God that he would even get a bond. Not only did God come through, he surpassed our greatest expectations. Sedrick was released on $0 bond and to our out of state home in Florida, after spending 22 years of wrongful imprisonment. The very next day, the District Attorney dismissed all the charges, clearing Sedrick's name and exonerating him. 

There's much more to this story, many moves of God that only He could do. God has raised Sedrick up to be a Joseph in the land he has planted him and I'm blessed to have him as my Kingdom spouse and partner for life. We look forward to sharing a more in-depth account of the things he encountered in his life along with the way God has protected him through it all. 

In the meantime, if you want to see more information on this story below are links to his interviews with the local news station along with his story that is published in the National Registry of Exonerations.

National Exoneration Registry

WALB - Awaiting Retrial

WALB - Charges Dismissed

If you have loved ones who are being held captive whether, physically incarcerated or in bondage of some other kind, just know that Jesus came to set the captives free. I declare that he who the Son sets free is free indeed. If you'd like me to stand in agreement and pray for them please reach out and I will be happy to do so. 

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Sept 30, 2023

Valentines Day, February 14, 2021... I sat in my car at the laundry mat, feeling hopeless and exhausted of the ups and downs with the man in my life I was somewhat involved with. I was confused and frustrated with the way things had been going. God had removed the scales from my eyes just a few months prior and my life had begun to drastically change. I had re-dedicated my life to Jesus and been baptized in the Holy Spirit. The old me had been dying and I was being transformed more and more into a person representing the image of Jesus Christ. 

As I sat waiting for my laundry to finish, I sang along to the words of the song playing.  

" God's not done with you
Even with your broken heart and your wounds and your scars
God's not done with you
Even when you're lost and it's hard and you're falling apart
God's not done with you
It's not over, it's only begun
So don't hide, don't run
'Cause God's not done with you."

I only knew the chorus so decided to look up the lyrics. As I sat reflecting on the words in front of me, I knew God was speaking to me. 

"Standing in your ruins feels a lot like the end
So used to losing, you're afraid to try again
Right now all you see are ashes
Where there was a flame
Truth is that you're not forgotten
'Cause Grace knows your name"

At that moment, I had no clue what God had planned for me and honestly couldn't even begin to fathom that He even had such a plan. It wasn't but a month or so later that I realized God was leading me to Florida and within three months I had received a prophetic word that God was "restoring my heart". 

Two years ago, I left behind my entire life and stepped out in faith, putting all my trust in God. I had absolutely nothing and no one. Today I have more than I could have ever imagined. God has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination and I know that this is just the beginning. 

I'm here today to tell you, God's not done writing your story! Jesus loves you so much and He comes to bring you life and life more abundantly. 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him". 

Everything you need and desire can be found in abundance amounts in Jesus. He loves you so much that He died for you while you were still a sinner, before you were even born. You don't need to prepare yourself... He will meet you right now, right where you are. Trust Him and allow Him to mold you into the best version of you. I know you're tired of carrying around those worries, those fears, that sickness. Jesus is waiting for you to give it to him. Matthew 11:28 tells us "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. He then continues in the next two verses to tell us to give our problems to him, our yoke, and take His because it's light "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

 If you once walked with Jesus but have found yourself lost.... this message is for you too! He leaves the 99 to find that one lost sheep, He's waiting for you also. Revelations 2:5 tells us when we fall to repent and do our first works over. Re-dedicate your life to Jesus. 

I once lived in the world. I thought I was living my best life and had it all. I literally left every bit of it behind and now have life more abundantly. God has blessed me beyond measure and He desires to do the same for you. Your story may have started out tragically and you may be in the midst of trouble and turmoil. You might be in the pit and not see a way out, but I assure you, God's not done writing your story. He is the author of plot twists and turn arounds and He has a beautiful next chapter for your life. I declare over you today Haggai 2:9... Your latter shall be greater than your former!

Don't give up! Cry out to Jesus, call on His name and He will answer. If everything you've been trying hasn't been working.... give Jesus a try. All you need to do is read this aloud and mean it in your heart.

Jesus, I'm tired of carrying these burdens. I surrender it to you. I am a sinner. I believe you died on the cross for my sins. I believe that you rose from that grave and are coming back again. I invite you into my heart and into my life. Holy Spirit, baptize me! Create in me a clean heart O Lord, and instill in me your spirit. God, I surrender the pen to you and ask you to continue to write my story. Guide me and lead me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

I welcome you to the family of God. I encourage you to seek God, pray, read your Bible and ask God to lead you to a spirit filled church. Trust Him! He will not let you down. My friend, I tell you this... It's not over, It's only begun. So don't hide, don't run... Cause God's not done with you!  God bless you!

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

May 21, 2023

It has been a moment since I've written but I'm here to tell you about a recent encounter I had with a man that changed his life. 

It was Tuesday afternoon and my entire day had been cleared. I decided to spend the day at home getting some much needed things done around the house. I had received a few business calls here and there but ignored them for the most part. Around 2:30 PM my phone rang and I just took the call without thinking. The person was nearby and didn't have to go too far so I agreed to give him a ride. During the twenty minutes we spent in the car together he shared a few things with me regarding himself and his situation. As he got out of my car, I heard Holy Spirit remind me that I didn't pray for him. I made a mental note of it and added him to my prayer list. 

As I drove home in the pouring rain, I decided I wasn't going to church that night. I wanted to finish up at home and just didn't feel like driving forty five minutes to church in the rain. I no more walked in the door when my phone rang. Again, I took the call and again it was the same man. He now needed a return ride because things hadn't worked out as he expected. I did not feel like going and had told him I wasn't available but would see if I had a driver who could help me out. It wasn't but a few minutes before Holy Spirit began speaking to me. He told me I needed to go pick this man up and pray with him and I knew I had to come against a spirit of suicide with this man. Holy Spirit was speaking it to me even though the man had never mentioned it. 

When I called to let him know I'd be there shortly, he sounded shocked and later confessed he hadn't expected me to even return his call. Once he was in the vehicle, I began praying with him. I heard Holy Spirit telling me to invite him to church. There went my plans of staying home. I invited him and he quickly agreed. 

During the trip to church he shared more with me about his story. He had shared with me that he grew up catholic and I was worried he would be intimidated or want to leave since our service is nothing in comparison to what he was use to. Before sitting down he picked up the tithe envelope off the chair and was holding it in his hand. Holy Spirit began to speak to me again, giving me instruction. He told me to take the $20 in cash the man had given me that day, give it back to him, and have him put it in the tithe envelope and write on the back of it what he was expecting God to do for him. I gave him the cash and the instructions and he followed them. 

The church service was amazing and the message was so anointed. It was so powerful and definitely a word for my new friend. Throughout the service I continued to pray "Lord, you told us to get them here and you would do the rest".  "Father, don't let him leave here the same way he came in". I just continued to pray that this man's life would be changed. As the altar call was given I was praying he would make his way to the altar, but he didn't. Then Pastor Liz said "there's someone here dealing with depression and you feel like you just can't go on, you can't make it one more moment, come to the altar". I knew she was speaking to him and looked over, praying he would step out of his seat and go. 

In that very moment, a young man from our evangelism team came up to him and began to give him a word of knowledge. God had shown him this mans face, and told him his name and something about him that only this man and God would know. He began to tell my friend that God spoke to him and told him that he had been in an accident and hurt his back very badly and was suffering from pain on an everyday basis. This was true. As our evangelist touched my friend, he said God was healing him of that pain right then in that moment and he would not feel that pain again. I didn't know this until the next day when shared this with me and confessed that even though he continued to search for that pain, it was no where to be found. Glory to God, Hallelujah! 

God had shared other information with our evangelist, including that this man was looking to relocate to our area and needed assistance with certain things. My church said they were going to help him. My new friend was at a loss of words. He shared with us that he had been in a different place just moments earlier that day and God had sent me to help turn it around. He told me numerous times that he was so blessed that I came along when I did and how he had thought his night was going to have a different ending to it. 

In the process of him sharing that, the evangelism team leader began speaking to me about the ministry I've been doing and how God had been speaking to her about a couple things that could greatly involve and bless my business and ministry. I left church that night feeling so overwhelmed with blessings. I loved seeing God work in this man's life. As I was praying and thanking God for all he had done for him, I remembered something I had previously heard. A man of God I follow once said sometimes our blessing is attached to an instruction. I was thinking of how God gave me an instruction for this man, he was obedient, and he left church that night with more blessings then he walked in with. Holy Spirit then spoke to me and reminded me that it was my obedience to His instructions that left me leaving church blessed that night also. 

Before he got out of the car that night, I told him to just pray and tell God what's on his heart and trust him. Speak life over his situations. The next morning he was so excited to tell me that for the first time in his life he had a two sided conversation with God and heard Him speaking back to him. God had told him everything was going to be okay and He was going to make a way for him in the situations that were weighing heavy on his heart. 

God is a good good Father. I am so blessed beyond measure to be a vessel for Him. I have no agenda of my own, I only want God's will be done in my life. In the past two years I have witnessed so many miracles, signs, and wonders. I've watched my prayers for others produce miracles. I've watched God make the impossible happen in my life and the lives of my loved ones. I've been blessed to lead others to Jesus... even a Muslim! Thank you Jesus! 

If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts or are feeling desperate in your situation, I pray that you will call on the name of Jesus. You don't have to be saved. You don't have to be perfect. He is standing there, waiting for you to come to Him. Open your mouth, and say His name.... JESUS! I need you! I encourage you to do the same exact thing I told my friend to do... talk to God and tell Him what's on your heart. Trust Him and speak life over your situations. Then listen, be still and listen for Him to speak to you. 

Heavenly Father, I come before you and I thank you for who you are and for the great Father you are to us. I pray that you will reveal yourself to every person reading this. Give them eyes to see what their physical eyes cannot and ears to hear your voice as you speak to them. I pray you will give them the courage to call on you and to seek you. I cancel the assignment of the enemy off of them and I bind the gatekeeper and the strongman. I say may your will be done in their life, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus we love you and we give you all the glory. In your name we pray, Amen!

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3


Apr 2, 2023

Early last week I met a man who was going through a hard time in his life. He had needed a ride and it was a divine appointment from God. In the hour that we spent together inside my taxi cab he poured his heart out to me and confided in me.  He told me about his deep love for his wife and children and his desire to be reunited with them.

 Within the next day or two I texted him to check on him and invited him to church. He was really going through a lot and God had really put this man and his family on my heart. 

On Thursday morning I received a phone call from him. Simply put, he told me he was in the midst of attempting to commit suicide. My first reaction was to lead him to Jesus. When I asked him if he was certain he would go to heaven, his hesitation was enough for me to doubt he was. As he sat on the phone sharing his final words with me, Holy Spirit took over and began bubbling up out of me. I prayed in the spirit, crying out to God while contacting 911. When the EMT arrived he was still alive, even though he should have medically been dead. In this moment God had saved his life. There are many more details to this story and this assignment that God put me on, but that is not the reason for this blog. 

As I sat sharing this story with my loved one, I was reminded of a very similar situation I had been in a few years prior. In mid to late 2020 someone I loved very much was going through a situation much like this gentleman I met last week. He had contacted me several times, sharing with me what he was experiencing. He was being tormented by the devil, experiencing thoughts that weren't his own, and showing signs of what the world would consider paranoia. One day he called me and was on the verge of committing suicide. As he sat speaking to me about it, I did nothing. It breaks my heart to think that as I sat there listening, I believed in my heart that was his best option at that time. 

You see, at this time in my life I was blind. I believed in Jesus but the enemy had me confused. I had read too many Sylvia Browne books and actually believed that when we died we would go to an "afterlife" that was whatever we made it. I believed "heaven" was for everyone and it was our happy place of whatever made us happy here on Earth. I thought only terrible people went to Hell and it wasn't as bad as people said it was. 

I cannot thank God enough for interceding in both of these men's lives. My loved one found Jesus the day he was actually on the verge of attempting it and began his journey of deliverance and being set free from demonic strongholds that same day. The gentleman I met last week, well I believe with all my heart he had an encounter with Jesus before it was too late. 

This experience has really touched me this past week. God is powerful and he has a practice of orchestrating one thing to bring about many for his glory. The old phrase "killing many birds with one stone" is what I'm speaking of. None of this is about me. I'm not a victim and I'm not a hero. I'm a vessel, a willing servant of Christ Jesus and I'm blessed that He chose me to be a part of it. I'm honored that He trusted me to do His work. Every bit of the glory goes to God. Through all of this, I heard the Lord speaking "Redemption" to me. I feel that He has used this to redeem me of my past experience with my loved one. 

Redemption - the action of saving, or being saved from sin, error, or evil

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Not one of us is without sin. God sent His precious son Jesus into this world as a man, destined to die on a cross, to provide redemption for our sins. God has made it so simple for us, we must only believe in Jesus and choose Him. I promise you, you don't need to be perfect, you don't need to be in the right place or at your best. Jesus is waiting to meet you right where you are in life. 

Life is short and we have no control over it. We know not when we will take our last breath. If you don't know for certain that you are going to Heaven should you die today, I encourage you to invite Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. The same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead will be your guide and your helper. He will lead you and help you as you are made new through Jesus. God said He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Believe in your heart and pray this prayer with me. Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I repent. I ask  you to come be Lord and Savior of my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Create in me a clean heart. Lead me and guide me in all truth. Transform my life. In Jesus name, Amen!

If you are struggling with thoughts that are not your own. If you're having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting yourself, please reach out to me and I will be happy to confidentially help you without any judgement. 

Jesus loves you so much and so do I. 

God bless!

Holly W <3

Mar 4, 2023

I recently watched something on Facebook that really registered with me and felt led to share since I'm sure there are many others who have dealt with this same issue.

After Adam and Eve ate the apple they realized they were naked and they felt shame.  When God came to the Garden that evening to commune with them they hid from Him. They were ashamed of their nakedness. How did they know they were naked? Why did they feel shame for being naked? The devil made them feel shame. 

I recently realized shame was something I had been dealing with throughout all of my adult life and possibly even as a child. When I began to gain weight my boyfriend at the time referred to me as "fat". He wasn't the only one and even I have used that word to describe myself in the past. I felt shame in regards to my physical appearance. I became ashamed because the words someone else spoke over me. I believed the lie and allowed it to influence the way I viewed myself. I wanted to hide myself.  I didn't like people looking at me and constantly tried to prevent people from seeing me for what I really looked like. I went through a phase where I wore clothes that were too big and baggy on me thinking it disguised my true physical appearance. In all actuality, that made me appear bigger and gave me a sloppy look. Hoodies were often my security blanket and I would hide myself in them. 

I often refrained from participating in activities that I felt would expose me. One of my most favorite things to do is go swimming and for years I wouldn't go because I didn't want anyone seeing me in a swimming suit. I wouldn't wear shorts in public because my legs were thick and very white. I was ashamed of my body and put too much value on what others thought of my physical appearance. 

My life changed in so many ways when God woke me up in 2020. He slowly began to transform my mind and help me to see the places where the enemy had built walls of lies up in my mind. I began to focus less on my physical appearance and I began to see myself through God's eyes. Thank God I began wearing shorts again, because wearing jeans year round in Florida is not an option. 

Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created us in His image and Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. According to Ephesians 2:10 we are God's masterpiece. Zechariah 2:8 says that I am the apple of His eye. God loves me and the Bible makes it clear I am blessed and highly favored. If God be for me who can be against me? 

I am a work in progress. I'm still working on tearing down the walls of lies the enemy has spent a lifetime building, but I'm on the right path.

 I'm here to tell you that Jesus loves you. Do not allow the negative words of someone else to determine who you are or how you see yourself. Love yourself and don't be ashamed of who God has created you to be. Have confidence in knowing that you are a masterpiece created by God. Everyday look in the mirror and tell yourself I am beautiful. I am created in the image of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am loved. I am blessed and highly favored. Speak life over yourself. As you continue on life's journey, know that it doesn't matter what other people think when they look at you. What matters is who God sees when He looks at you and He sees you as His creation. 

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3 

Feb 19, 2023

I'm not sure how far back this dates but for quite some time I've had a fear of man and a fear of rejection that I didn't even realize I had. The spirit of fear is an open door for many things including sickness and disease. I think it's safe to say that fear also brings shame and intimidation along with it. 

The Lord has recently begun speaking to me about these things and has been helping me to overcome them. On January 11th,  (1/11) Jesus stood in front of me at the revival service at my church that night and told me He was breaking timidity off of me. I began to realize that throughout my life, events have happened that allowed the spirit of fear to come into my life. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. 

Yesterday before going on my online prayer meeting on Facebook I was praying and asked God if there was anything He wanted me to tell the people. He spoke "Blessed are the peacemakers".  Matthew 5:9 says "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God." I thought this was a word for others, but today I realized it was also a huge word for me. 

I've been reading a book called Breaking Intimidation by John Bevere and this morning I received such revelation on Matthew 5:9. You see, the scripture says blessed are the peacemakers.... not the peacekeepers.

An insert from the book says: 

"A peacekeeper avoids confrontation at any cost. He will go to any length to preserve a false sense of security for himself, which he mistakes for peace. A peacemaker on the other hand will boldly confront no matter what it may cost him because he does not worry about himself. Instead, he is motivated by his love for God and truth. Only under these conditions can true peace thrive. There is peace in the kingdom of God, however, this peace does not come by the absence of confrontation. As Jesus pointed out the kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12). There is violent opposition to the advancement of God’s kingdom. 
Often we think I’ll just ignore this, and it will go away. But we need to wake up and realize that what we do not confront will not change."

 I've always avoided conflict and confrontation at all costs to keep peace, but that is not necessarily the right thing to do. There have been so many occasions where I have heard someone say things to me that I know are not Biblical and they are wrong in their thoughts. Instead of correcting them, I just say something like "hmm" or keep my comments to myself all together thinking God will find a way to correct them. The truth is God had a way of correcting them standing right there in front of them.... ME and I kept my mouth shut.

This same issue has had effects in my everyday life also. Often times, I've avoided conflict or confrontation and accepted less than I should to keep the peace. As a result, I've cheated myself and lived in bondage to fear and intimidation. God has been giving me a boldness to step outside of my comfort zone. More and more I begin to stop focusing on what others think and have become focused on my Heavenly Father and advancing His kingdom. Not everyone will like me, not everyone will accept what I have to say, but the truth is as long as I'm being led by Holy Spirit and doing the will of my Father, that's the only approval I need. 

While I'm on the spirit of fear... 

I know you're going to question where I'm going with this and I have a habit of going off topic, but just bear with me for a minute. 

A few years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. It was the day after a traumatic experience and I thought my blood pressure was high from the incident. I dismissed it and didn't take the prescribed medication thinking it would go away. I had been to the emergency room and/or doctors office a handful of times in the following years, every time my blood pressure being extremally high. I continued to think nothing of it since that wasn't my reason for being there. 

This past October I began a health plan program that not only helps you to lose weight but also to maintain your blood levels. I've had much success with the program and have lost over fifty pounds since. With the change in diet and the weight loss, I was shocked when the doctor told me yet again my blood pressure was extremely high. I gave it to God, knowing He could and would heal me of this. 

As the days went on Holy Spirit began to reveal things to me, including events that triggered the high blood pressure in the first place. I knew God was leading me to the root of the problem. 

Let me explain something to you. Many people blame God for many things including sickness. God did not create sickness and disease and it is not His will for us to be sick.  There is no sickness in God's Kingdom and His desire is to bring Heaven to Earth.  John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy but Jesus came to bring life and life more abundantly. Isaiah 53:5 tells us Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and by His stripes we are healed. Those lashes He took on his back heals us from ALL sickness and disease. Why would God give us sickness just to take it back from us?

I began to do some research and realized that every sickness I was diagnosed with including high blood pressure, insulin resistance which is classified as diabetes 2 (and is the cause of the weight and fertility issues), and a heart arrhythmia are all caused by fear. I repented of fear and gave it to God. Later in the week as I stood at the altar during one of our services my pastor began to speak healing over diabetes, high blood pressure, and timidity. I knew God was speaking to me through him. I grabbed ahold of my healing through faith and believed I was healed. The next morning my body showed signs for the first time in over a year that it was beginning to function the way it was designed to function. I know I will have a confirmed praise report once I follow up with my family doctor. 

If you suffer from any type of fear or intimidation please be encouraged to give it to God. God has created you in His image and you are wonderfully and fearfully made. He loves you and wants you to live your best life. Do not allow yourself to live in the shadows of fear or intimidation any longer.  May you receive the perfect love of God that casts out all fear according to 1 John 4:18. I strongly encourage you to check out the book "Breaking Intimidation" by John Bevere. I am confident that it will bless you. 

Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Jan 28, 2023

I've heard it said when God moves you to the next level, it requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. Based on my experience, I find this to be true. I must be in the midst of elevating because He's really been daring me to be bold and do things that are uncomfortable for me. 

On December 18th of 2022 I attended the early morning service at my church. I prefer this one if possible, mostly because there's not as many people in attendance. Towards the end of service the glory of God fell and Pastor Shawn said Jesus was walking the aisles. I could sense His presence for myself. What an honor! I remained focused on Him, however, there were many around me who weren't. As the first service flowed into the second service people were moving all around me, getting in and out of seats and asking me to let them pass by. I couldn't believe people were acting like this when Jesus was in our presence. As the worship team continued to flow, I continued to worship with them, praising my risen King. Holy Spirit was in my ear...nudging me to go to the alter. The sanctuary was packed and there were only two people at the alter... a lady friend of mine and the pastor. How could I deny His request? I gathered up all the courage I had and made my way to the alter where I stood with my focus on Jesus and just worshipped. This was the beginning of my spiritual life going to another level. 

On January 10th of this year revival fire fell in our church and the Lord has poured His spirit out on us every evening since. Night two of the Open Door revival Jesus stood face to face with me as I stood at my seat and told me He was removing timidity and shyness from me. He later revealed to me that this is what is blocking my blessings. That following Sunday as the entire congregation sat praying, Holy Spirit told me to stand up, and continue to pray over the body of believers that were in the church. I looked around conflicted, my fleshly body wanting to remain seated going unnoticed but my spirit man wanting to rise to the task at hand. I kept my focus on Jesus as I stood up and was obedient to the Lord. It wasn't long before others were standing with me. 

One night this past week I stood worshiping at my seat. Every time I opened my mouth and prayed scripture I could literally smell the fragrance of Heaven come out of my mouth. When they made the alter call, Holy Spirit told me to go. Again, I wanted to resist but couldn't. As I stood at the alter worshiping and praying I was consumed with the fire of God that was radiating off me. I was burning up. 

I had never been baptized. Last January of 2022 I had signed up but the enemy came in like a flood and I was so sick I couldn't even get out of bed. When the opportunity would come back around I would believe the lies of the enemy telling me I was too fat to fit in the baptismal tub. 

Last night, January 27th they once again offered the opportunity. I knew the Lord had been nudging me for the past year. Almost three months ago I began a health plan that has since led to me losing almost fifty pounds. That lie the enemy kept telling me wasn't going to work this time. However, that shyness that has been hindering me my entire life tried to take over. I thank God for ordering my steps, sitting me next to my dear friend Julie last night. Had it not been for her, I can't say I'd have made it up there. 

Up until about the age of 25 I weighed 100 pounds. I was very small and very thin. I slowly gained about ten to twenty pounds at one point, going from a size three to a size four jeans. I'm sure most of you know, that's still very tiny. My boyfriend at the time, who I'd been with for many years confessed to cheating on me using the excuse "I had gotten fat". I didn't see myself as fat at that moment, however, in no time the weight just kept coming out of no where. I quickly went from 100 pounds to 350 pounds in no time at all. No matter how much I dieted and exercised I couldn't lose five pounds to save my life.  I went to the doctor, seeking advice but they had no idea what was going on. 

This weight gain wasn't the only abnormal thing going on with my body. I also began to have female issues preventing me from conceiving a child. In addition, it caused many self-esteem issues. I failed to see myself through the loving eyes of my Father who created me in His own image. I sold myself short, believing men didn't like bigger women. Instead of allowing a man to love me for who I am, I quickly presented what I had to offer in financial and worldly items, and the life I could provide for them. How sad. 

When God woke me up in November of 2020 I quickly lost about forty pounds after going through deliverance. I maintained that weight until recently when I began to lose even more. I'm believing God for complete healing and restoration of the fertility issue and I know He's going to bless me with a family of my own. 

Last night after being baptized I was speaking to one of the ladies from my church. I was telling her the story of my ex-boyfriend that called me fat.... saying it's like he put a curse on me. And that's when the revelation came! That's exactly what happened. 

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 The power of life and death is in the tongue.

The words we speak have power whether you believe it or not. Every negative word spoken against yourself or someone else causes destruction. When God created everything the Bible tells us He spoke it into existence. 

James 3:8-10 - But no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. 

Wow! I break every curse and every idle word spoken over you in the name of Jesus. I cancel that contract made with the enemy himself and speak life and blessings over you. I uproot every demonic seed planted and replace it with seeds of goodness in Jesus name. May you speak blessings over yourself and those surrounding you. I pray you think twice before speaking that negative word over your friend or before complaining about your situation. Instead, give God glory and thank Him for what He's not only already done, but for what is to come. Speak that thing you're believing God to do into existence. I declare that you are blessed and highly favored. I declare you are the head and not the tail, above and never beneath. You are blessed coming and going. I declare your bank account is over flowing, your business is beyond prosperous. That cancer is gone in Jesus name. Your son is drug free! Your children are serving the Lord. 

Father, I thank you for every thing you're doing in my life. I thank you that I am bold and timidity no longer has a hold on me. I thank you that I am your beautiful daughter. I thank you for teaching me to love myself and to see myself as you see me. I thank you for the man you brought into my life who sees me through your eyes, who loves me for the Proverbs 31 woman you've created me to be. I thank you that I am not fat, but fearfully and wonderfully made. I thank you that I am completely healed and restored. I thank you for my children. I thank you for your mercy, your grace, your love, and your sacrifice. I love you!

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

May God bless you!

Much Love, 

Holly W <3 

Jan 22, 2023

As I sat down to write, I thought my subject matter was going to be on one topic, but Holy Spirit began to take me in a whole different direction.

My grandmother was a church going, God fearing woman whose life was filled with the joy of the Lord. She raised me right, and she raised me in the church. We attended the local Assemblies of God church throughout the majority of my childhood and teenage years. I loved going to church. It was my great pleasure to go there to hang out with my friends and chase after my childhood boyfriend. I loved singing in the choir with my best friend and I killed it at selling Gardner's candy for the church fundraisers. During service the only understanding I received was from the notes I passed back and forth between my friends.

I gave my life to Jesus at a Ray Boltz concert around the age of thirteen. I made my way to the front of the middle school auditorium during the alter call. I prayed the sinners prayer and was confident from that point on my eternity was secured in Heaven. But was it really?

As a young adult I began reading Sylvia Browne books and instantly became hooked. She was a famous psychic and medium who claimed to have contact with those who had passed away. She described the "afterlife" as a heaven of whatever we wanted it to be. For instance, if we enjoyed going to the beach during our life here on Earth, our "heaven" would be the beach. I convinced myself that for those who believe in Jesus, their "heaven" would be exactly as described in the Bible. I whole heartedly believed everything she wrote. At one point I questioned how Jesus played into all of it and seen she had written a book regarding that. Looking back now, I understand why that was the one book of hers I didn't read. I was so influenced by the enemy back then and had no idea. I became convinced the devil was not real and Hell was our Earthly lives, not really a place un-believers go when they die. I kept this mindset for almost twenty years.

As an adult I felt that I had a good heart and didn't really live a life that was too sinful. I only lied, manipulated people, I was conniving, vindictive, full of gossip, slanderous, and having premarital sex...but hey, it was the 21st century and I was sure God rolled with the changes.  I still believed in Jesus but only prayed occasionally, usually once or twice a month. I posted Jesus things on Facebook all the time and was so confident I was "right with God". I would say with 100% certainty I was going to Heaven should I die that day.


Mid fall of 2020 someone very close to me confided in me they felt they were possessed by demons. I knew absolutely nothing on this subject and the only advice I could offer this non-believing man was to turn to Jesus. It was at this same time my uncle and I had been having Godly conversations and one night in particular he mentioned something about "re-dedicating his life to Jesus". Later that night I reflected on the conversation and contemplated doing the same thing myself. He had planted the seed and so quickly Holy Spirit began to water it.

As the days went by my loved one became more and more desperate for escape from the tormenting voices in his head and was speaking of committing suicide. I was so blinded at this point myself, and still believing the lies of the enemy regarding the "afterlife" I began to think suicide would be a much better reality for him. I was heartbroken to see what he was going through here in his life. November 4, 2020 he was prepared to make it happen... I received a phone call late that night... this man who didn't believe in God and thought he himself was God, gave his life to Jesus and began his journey on the road to freedom. The enemy had a plot and thought it was over, but God had a plan and flipped the script.

Witnessing God work in his life began to open my eyes to a whole reality of deception I had been living in. I ended up traveling and spending a few days with him and during this time I witnessed first hand the manifestation of demons speaking and moving through his body. Good Lord, here I was believing the devil wasn't real and I surely never heard anything about demons. This is how God radically began to open my eyes. I was right in the face of them, but I had learned to call on the name of Jesus and it was He who protected me.

Through all of this, I gave my life to Jesus again and this time everything changed. I had reservations about certain things...but Holy Spirit began to renew my mind. There was so much deception and lies the enemy had planted in my mind but God continued to work on me and the walls that had been built up began to crack and crumble. I began seeking God with all my heart and it just came naturally. I wanted more of Him without even trying. I had heard people talk about having an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit but I had no clue how to do that.

The Lord ordered my steps and brought the right people into my life that I began to learn from. One person in particular, Beth, had taught me how to hear God speak to me. She pretty much told me just to ask Him to speak, then listen! That day my life changed. God spoke and I listened!

The more I sought God, the more I encountered Him. I began to develop a relationship with Him and in the process of doing so, I realized I had never learned any of these things in church growing up. I was brought up in religion but now I had found freedom in my relationship with God. People in my life didn't understand, they thought I was following a cult or had lost my mind. Sadly, they were bound in the religious systems they grew up in and never experienced the presence of God or the power of Holy Spirit.

Many "Christians" are blinded by the deceit of Satan. Many "Christians" are stuck in a religious system, oppressed by religious demons and are missing out on the best things of God. Yes, in case you missed it or didn't understand what I said, Christians CAN have demons! We are raised to believe that we just need to say a prayer to go to Heaven, we can live life however we want as long as we ask for forgiveness, and we can go to church on Sundays and listen to the pastor preach a dry sermon and everything is just dandy. NOOOOO!!!!!! That religious mindset will keep you bound and prohibit you from entering the gates of Heaven. How do I know I'm going to heaven? Because I've been baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. He lives inside of me and I know because He quickens my spirit with discernment when something is off. He leads me and transforms me.

God wants a relationship with us. He wants to commune with us. He wants to conversate back and forth with us. He wants us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. He wants to baptize us with his Holy Spirit. He wants us to live a life that is righteous and pleasing to Him. He wants us to go into the dark world and be a light, HIS light. He wants us to lay hands on the sick and heal them. He wants us to cast out demons and set the captives free. He wants us to raise the dead. He wants us to live in the supernatural. He wants us to manifest Heaven here on Earth. He wants to bless us with life more abundantly. He wants to pour His spirit out on us. He wants us to prophesy and give words of knowledge and He wants us to do all these things to bring glory to Him!

Jesus loves you so much. The world we live in is filled with darkness, trauma, pain, suffering, and pure evil. Jesus comes to bring life and light. He is love. Whatever is troubling you today, Jesus can set you free. If you've never experienced a relationship with God, if you've never heard him speak to you, if you've never been in His presence and felt the power of the Holy Spirit I encourage you to break out of those religious mindsets and ask God to set you free. If you're not confident with 100% certainty that you're going to heaven take thirty seconds and give your life to Jesus. Take thirty seconds and re-dedicate your life to Jesus.

Say Jesus, I want you to be Lord of my life. I repent for my sins. I ask you to wash me clean. I believe you are the son of God, born of a virgin. I believe you died on the cross for my sins. I believe you rose from the grave and are seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. I believe you are coming back as the risen King. I ask you to baptize me with your Holy Spirit. Create in me a clean heart Lord. Lead me and guide me in all your ways. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

I pray this has blessed you. For all those who gave their life to Jesus or re-dedicated their life to Jesus I welcome you into the family of God. You are now seated in Heavenly places and the power of the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. All things are being made new in your life, the old is passed away. I encourage you to spend time with God, talk to Him like he's your father or your best friend. He can't wait to talk to you! He's always with you!

God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

16, 2022

Last October a man whom I was friends with three years prior came back into my life. I wrote about him in my recent blog "A Love Letter from Jesus".

November 22, 2021, a man of God, James Thompson, began to prophesy to me on a Facebook live. God had used him many times before to speak to me and the prophesies were always exactly on point and always came to pass exactly as he had said and when he said. On this day in particular he was prophesying a few things that were to come. At the time I had a T-shirt business...Grace On Display  He began to prophesy over my business and told me that God was sending me someone that was going to help me with the business. He told me that God was going to send me a partner.  He also told me that I was going to be traveling and telling people about Jesus. He told me the money I received from my business would provide for my costs to travel and I would no longer worry about gas or car repairs and all of this would overtake me in the month of January. 

At the time, I assumed God was sending me a business partner. I remember thinking I must be going to sell a lot of T-shirts to do all this traveling. When would I have time to make all the shirts?

As time went on, I continued to work on things for Grace on Display and Philly (the man from my past) began to help me a lot with the business. I assumed this was the partner he prophesied was coming my way. 

Philly and I grew closer as we continued to get to know each other on a friendship level. In case you didn't read the previous blog, at one point he told me I was going to be his wife and during this time I was seeking God to confirm to me if that was true. I was very resistant and didn't want that to be the case. I was still holding out hope that God was restoring my relationship with someone else. 

God began to confirm things to me but I kept wondering.... if this man was suppose to be my husband....why did God use the word partner? Why didn't he say God was sending me a husband? 

Just as the man of God prophesied, January came and business overtook us. It wasn't anything I had expected. Philly and I started a transportation business in the area God led me to. I began telling everyone who came into the car about Jesus. I no longer worried about gas or car repairs and I most certainly had a great business partner. 

It's now a year later and I know with 100% certainty, Philly is the best earthly blessing God has given me. No one is perfect, but he is perfect for me. He is every bit of my heart's desires and I am the desires of his. 

Last weekend we had a brief conversation that was quickly interrupted, about how much I mean to him and how we've been together through the thick and the thin, more so, than anyone else in his life ever has been. Later in the day while I was alone I was thinking about what he said and in response I wanted to tell him that we are partners in every aspect of life and I will be there through the thick and the thin always. And that's when the revelation came!

Why didn't God use the word husband when the man of God prophesied to me? Because just like he spoke it, God was sending me a partner. He wasn't just sending me a husband, He was sending me a partner in marriage. He wasn't just sending me the father of my children, He was sending me a partner in family. He wasn't sending me just a business partner, He was sending me a partner in life!

To my dear partner Philly, I love you with every fiber of my being. God has blessed me beyond anything I could ever imagine or desire. There is no man in this world who is more perfect for me, than you. You are an amazing man and I am beyond grateful that we have both allowed God to mold us into who we are today so we can be the perfect life partner for each other. I am so blessed that I get to spend every day for the rest of my life with you. I thank you for loving me so unconditionally, for always putting me before everyone except God, and for protecting me the way you do. You are truly everything a husband should be. Saying I love you does not do justice to how I feel for you. May our love continue to grow deeper and our relationship grow stronger and may we forever keep God the center of our lives.

God, I can't thank you enough for preparing me for this blessing and for molding me into the wife and partner that he deserves. Thank you for helping me to let go of people, places, and things that were not part of your perfect plan for my life. I will forever give you glory and praise you for every blessing you've poured into me, especially this man you've created just for me.

Much love,

Holly M <3


Oct 16, 2022

The week before last was filled with many obstacles and dilemmas for me. It had been a very long week. My everyday routine had been disrupted and I was missing the small things that one may take for granted that were actually "big things" in my life. In addition to the weeks series of unfortunate events, the weekend was fast approaching and my plans of going out of town for the three day weekend were up in the air.  After everything that had happened, I was so very much looking forward to the weekend. 

Thursday night I had come to the conclusion that I only had one choice in the matter...Let go and give it to God. I prayed and said God, I'm giving this to you, may Your will be done. Trusting God is never my issue. I'd like to say that I have radical faith, I KNOW that the God I serve is my ever present help in times of trouble. I KNOW how mighty, majestic, and great He is. Nothing that is of Him is impossible for Him. The problem was... was I going to like the outcome. 

Friday I had received the news... my plans were still on course. Glory to God! I was so happy.

Saturday afternoons I do an online prayer meeting on Facebook live and pray for whoever needs prayer and for whatever God puts on my heart. I try to spend time alone worshiping, praising, and praying to God before going live. As I was in the secret place I could feel the atmosphere change and could feel the presence of God in the room with me. I went online and my prayer was so different. Holy Spirit was just flowing through me as I prayed. 

After I finished up the prayer meeting, I was feeling alone. I was missing my man and missing the "normalcy" in our lives that had been disrupted. In that moment I could have called up a friend, or scrolled Facebook, or any number of things. Instead, I curled up with Jesus and soaked in His presence as I discussed with Him the things that were on my heart. 

Within a very short time, God began to answer my unspoken prayers. Philly (my man) had the solution to our problems and everything would be back to normal in the morning. Literally minutes after that a friend of mine who happened to be in the same area called me up and we went to dinner. 

I have been waiting on God to move on a certain situation in my life and I believe He had been giving me the answer on what to do but I never felt at ease about it. My friend and I were having a conversation and she started to speak on the same thing the Lord had been speaking to me about. After that conversation I felt such peace and knew it was time to make a move. In the past month, I've heard two people say to me "When you feel peace, that's when it's time to make the move". I absolutely knew it was time. 

I went back to the hotel that night and as I laid in bed about to go to sleep I felt Holy Spirit nudging me to turn on worship music. I didn't. I fell asleep quickly. There are many times throughout the night that I find myself wheezing. Around 3 AM I woke up and music was playing from my phone.

It's your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You

My music player is almost always displayed on my phone screen even if it's not playing. I assumed I had somehow hit the play button in my sleep. I didn't touch my phone, left it sitting on the night stand and let the song continue to play. I crawled into bed and immediately fell back to sleep. 

When I awoke a couple hours later that same exact song was playing. I didn't think anything of it until I realized it was on repeat. Had I turned the music on, that song would not have been on repeat. I have a playlist that is on shuffle. I would have never went to my file of songs, chose one song, and hit the repeat button. 

 It's no coincidence that I added this song to my phone around the time the breathing issues started. It's also no coincidence this song was playing as I slept through the night. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt God sent an angel, or He himself turned that song on. 

Earlier in the week I was scrolling through Facebook and had come across a live of a ministry I once followed. The man was saying that we must be intentional with God. We must make time to worship, to praise, to spend time with Him, to get alone with him and shut the world out. He said we cannot plug our cell phone in for five minutes and expect it to be charged, and we cannot plug into God for five minutes and expect to be refilled. 

I will be the first to admit, I don't spend enough time alone with God. My phone is always in front of my face, I'm always working, and I'm usually praying while driving...which prevents me from shutting everything out. That weekend was just what I needed. It was nothing short of a blessing. 

I pray that you will take time today to be intentional with God. I pray that you will stop what you're doing, put down your phone AND mute it...turn it off if you have to. Turn off the television, go somewhere quiet where you can be alone and sit down and have a conversation with God. Talk to Him the same way you would talk to a friend, tell Him what's going on in your life, what's on your mind, and when you're done, stop and listen for him to speak to you. He's always speaking to us... sometimes we just aren't listening. 

I love you and pray that you spend more time with God, bask in His presence, and seek Him always.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3


Oct 1, 2022

He who the Son sets free, is free indeed! - John 8:36

Earlier in the year I was trusting God to lead me to my next place of residence. My lease was up where I was at and I knew God was calling me to this town he had been bringing me to every day for work. During this time I met a woman who told me God was telling her I needed a place to stay and she made me a very  good offer that was above and beyond budget friendly. I always look for God to confirm things to me and in this case I felt I had a few confirmations this was where He was leading me. 

The woman was from Pennsylvania so that was my first confirmation. Second one.... I had what I thought was a prophetic dream that took place inside her house, even though I had never seen it before. Once I stepped foot in I recognized the kitchen/dining room exactly as I had seen in the dream. My third confirmation was she repeated almost word for word two different conversations I had recently with my man. 

I was sure this was where God was leading me to go. But let me tell you... the devil is a liar! Once I had moved in and realized the extent of the living conditions of the house I often questioned...would God want me to live in these conditions? As the months went by I began to struggle with my spiritual life, but not to the point where it was non-existent. The more time that went by the more blind I became to things and my discernment seemed to be out the window. I had no clue how drained I had become.... not just spiritually, but physically, and mentally also. 

I have no desire to blast anyone's business but I will say this "Not everyone who says Lord Lord is of God". You cannot be practicing witchcraft and be of the light. I began to see how demonized everyone was and God began to open my eyes. 

In the beginning of September I went home to Pennsylvania to visit my family for our family reunion. We had planned this reunion for months and I was partially in charge of it. As I stood in my closet packing my clothes to leave I was literally crying my eyes out. I didn't want to go and had no clue why. I flew in the next morning and while passing through the town I had left just a year prior, I realized there was nothing there for me anymore. God had removed me from all the "friends" I had there, I had left my career there and no longer had a life there. Florida is definitely my home. I have new friends, an amazing relationship with a man who loves me unconditionally and sees me through God's eyes, and we have our own businesses here. 

 I absolutely loved spending time with my family, especially my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews. When I returned home my brother and I were texting back and forth and he said "I bet it feels good to be home". I sat on my bed really pondering that statement and realized NO.... it didn't! 

I was feeling under the weather from a sinus infection, and had come home to lots of drama. I HAD ENOUGH! I spent that night in a hotel room to clear my thoughts and shut everyone out. I blocked everyone on Facebook and from my phone who was part of the problem. One of the biggest problems was the person I was living with. I could block them all day but living under the same roof as them made it impossible to ignore them all together. I decided it was time to start looking for a new place. 

One morning a couple days later I was in the shower having a conversation with God. I cried out to Him, Lord I surrender it all to you. Your word says that Your yoke is easy... I'm giving you mine and I'm taking yours. I got out of the shower and as I went into my room I found it so difficult to pray. I had no energy and just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep. I felt Holy Spirit telling me to sit up and pray but I just couldn't. All of a sudden a cough swelled up out of me that was nothing short of supernatural and I immediately felt so energized and so refreshed. I physically felt this cloud of heaviness and darkness leave me. It was God... He was moving and this was just the beginning. 

That very same day I found a new place which is completely perfect for my short term needs. Thanks to my friend Gina I was out of that place and into my new one within twenty-four hours. Once I was completely out I felt so free. I cannot put into words the freedom I've been living in since moving out. I had no idea just how oppressed I was. It's as if I was living under this demonic dark cloud and had no clue. What the enemy means for evil, God turns it around for good. Had I never experienced the oppression, I wouldn't fully comprehend the freedom!

 The devil had surely blinded me. In regards to the "confirmations" I had prior to moving in to that house...God sends me prophetic dreams but the devil is the source of dreams also. As for the repeated conversations...just as we have angels assigned to us, the devil also assigns demons to us that follow us around and watch our every move. They are called familiar spirits. That's a whole other conversation for another day, but just know, these familiar spirits provided the intel for this woman to repeat my conversations to me. On numerous occasions a seer friend relayed a warning to me regarding being in that house but I didn't realize the importance of it and dismissed it. 

It is so important to stay plugged in to God. I recently heard someone use the example of our cell phone. We can't plug our cell phone in for five minutes and expect it to be charged. Just like our cell phones, we can't plug into God for five minutes and expect to be renewed.  We need to stay in the presence of God, continuously read and meditate on His word, pray, and constantly renew our mind. 

God gave me that word yesterday while in prayer. I heard him tell me I need to renew my mind. I looked up "How to renew my mind". This is what I found:

  1. Step 1: Ask the Lord to guard and direct your mind.
  2. Step 2: Recognize the source of self-focused and self-defeating thoughts.
  3. Step 3: Replace self-focused thinking with a God-focused mindset.
  4. Step 4: Rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ.
  5. Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 daily.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2

I prayed and asked God to help me to renew my mind. I asked him to help me to keep my thoughts on things of Him and to give me the strength and will power to do so.  Yesterday I was in the middle of a four hour drive and felt tired. I don't listen to secular music and thought I had removed them all from my play list two years ago. Somehow I had managed to miss an old favorite by Post Malone and in the midst of my travels it came on. I began to sing along and as I did memories of an old boyfriend started to resurface and next thing you know memories of an old best friend started to come to mind. All of a sudden the song switched on it's own and "Oh Holy Night" began to play. Everything in my flesh wanted to turn that song back on and continue going down memory lane, but the Spirit in me would not permit it. I had asked God that very morning to help me to renew my mind and to give me the will power to keep my thoughts on things that were of Him. He was answering my prayers. 

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom - 2 Corinthians 3:17

I love you and pray that God gives you the strength and will power to stay focused on things that are of Him.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Sept 22, 2022

For the majority of my life I've been in long term relationships and hadn't spent much of my life single. When God opened my eyes in November of 2020 I immediately broke up with the man I was dating and we parted ways. 

In the months that followed, I ran into some confusion regarding different relationships. I was believing God was going to restore an old relationship and when it didn't go as I had thought, I got involved with someone else. I was going through a lot of drama and it was taking me out of character, making me act in ways that were nothing like who I am. Finally, I had enough and knew I had to hand everything over to God. 

As I sat watching a church service on the evening of May 1, 2021, I had a thought enter my mind to sit down and write myself a letter. I was still learning and didn't realize it was the Holy Spirit leading me to do so. I sat down and began to write...

Dear Holly, 

You are beautiful. God loves you more than any man ever will. You are an amazing woman and you are so worthy. You are one in a million and you deserve so much more than you've EVER received from a man before. You deserve everything you offer. You love with all your heart and you love unconditionally. You forgive quickly, forget, and let go and turn the other cheek. 
Holly, you deserve a man who will treat you like his queen. You deserve a man who desires to be with you because he's in love with you. You deserve a man who will only put Jesus above you. 
God created you from someone's rib and God is waiting to bless you with this man. You must let go of ALL that is holding you back. He has seen your tears and heard your cries. God says let go my daughter and give it to me. I have a life of blessings I want to pour out into you.
 I'm waiting for you and so is your Boaz. 
I love you!

I quickly let go of everything and everyone. My life and my focus revolved around Jesus. I was still holding on to a vision of restoration with an ex, but I gave it to God and trusted Him, because only He could bring that back to full life. I left Pennsylvania in July and by the end of September, I knew I was headed to Florida...alone!

Two weeks later, and two days prior to my departure, as I was closing up that chapter, I received a phone call from a man I use to have a friendship with three years prior. Our friendship was short lived. He had found me on a dating site at a time when I was closing this very same chapter the first time. I was not interested in being in a relationship at the time (don't ask me why I was even on a dating site) but we had a good friendship and he was always offering me good advice, looking out for me, and just being a good person. Sadly, our friendship ended and we lost contact. 

Here he was, three years later, calling me again. I know many won't understand this, but, mere seconds before he called me I could sense my phone was going to ring and it was going to be in some way a spiritual related call. I could feel it in my spirit. Our friendship picked up right where it left off and we continued to chat with each other often. I was in Florida alone, didn't know many people, had no friends, and God had removed a lot of the people from my past from my life.

As I was attending my new church I was seeing couples who loved the Lord together, worshipped together, and prayed together. I still had no desire to get involved in a relationship, however, I was seeing what I wanted when the time was right. I had decided that I was not going to get involved with any man that wasn't the man God had just for me. It was senseless to waste either of our time and to create attachments that would be hard to break later down the road. 

On October 26th my pastor was preaching on 1 Corinthians 5. The pastor was saying that no matter what he’s dealing with he goes to his wife and she to him. She’s the first person he tells everything to and that’s how a marriage should be. He said that if you are not loving your spouse the way Christ loves us the devil will send a counterfeit. If you’re not meeting their needs physically, spiritually, mentally, and so forth, all around, the enemy will send someone who will meet that need. How true that is. I almost started crying around that time because I desire a husband like that. I was ready to share my life with someone but it had to be the husband God had for me. 

Pastor told us single people to have a conversation with God and tell him our hearts desires and to be specific. He knows what we want, but He wants us to have a conversation with Him. That night as I drove home, I had that conversation with God. With tears streaming down my face I realized I desired a partner more than I knew. I told God I want a man who is so in love with me, who sees me the way God sees me, who loves me for who I am, who will put no one except God and our children before me, who I find attractive and meet my desires. I want a husband who is my best friend, that I can tell anything and everything to and know he won’t judge me, I want a husband whose relationship is so tight that nothing can come in between us. I want a husband who is on fire for God and loves Him. Little did I know....that man was already in my life. 

Mine and this man's friendship grew and as time went on we continued to get to know each other. I enjoyed sharing stories of our past with each other and getting to know who he was. I realized he was a really good man and even though I was holding out hope that God was still going to restore that past relationship with my ex, I began to see qualities in him that I wanted in a man. 

Exactly twelve days after having my conversation with God, this man and I were on the phone. I heard the shock in his voice as he said "Holly, you're going to be my wife". He was just as surprised as I was.  NO, NO, NO.... Nope! I'm not coming into agreement with that was my response. After about a minute of resistance I literally felt my heart soften as Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, "don't be so quick to speak". I said okay God, you're going to have to show me!

In the weeks to come there was so much warfare going on in my mind. The enemy sent countless men into my life, all of whom I knew for certain were not sent by God. I resisted and resisted and resisted, all the while falling in love with this man as I continued to truly get to know him. God showed me time and time and time again this man was for me, even sending a prophet to tell me. But I continued to doubt as the enemy would steal the seeds God was planting. There were many times I did things that would push a normal person away but he was patient with me. He knew in his heart that I was the woman God created for him. 

Finally the walls of resistance fell down, and I knew in my heart God had taken this man's rib to create me. He was every single thing I asked God for that night and so much more. He is so perfect for me in every way and I am loved in return the way that I love. Every day we pray together throughout the day, he is my best friend, loves me so unconditionally, but above all else he loves God. We decree and declare that God will forever be the center of our marriage, our lives, our businesses, our homes, our finances, our ministry, and our family because a triple braided chord is not easily broken. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord". This man has found me...twice! When he came into my life in 2019, I was in no way ready to receive this beautiful gift from God. Had I not encountered him in 2019, I would have never given him the time of day when he came back into my life this last time. 

I recently found the love letter I wrote that night and felt led to share it. When I quit focusing on finding a man and put my focus on Jesus, the Lord surprised me suddenly with all of my heart's desires. He knows what is best and his timing is always perfect. 

If you're expecting God to bring someone special into your life, I encourage you to focus on Him. Have that same conversation with Him that I did, tell Him your heart's desires. What He did for me, He will do for you!

I love you and pray that God blesses you with the desires of your heart. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Aug 19, 2022

Yesterday while spending time with a couple friends and catching up, I was telling them of a recent encounter I had. One of them said "Holly, you always seem to get into the craziest situations". When she said that I immediately thought back to someone else from my past who had said the same thing and I began to realize just how true it was. 

In that moment, I began to see from God's view looking down at myself. I seen myself walking along a path aligned with fire and things of the darkness all around me, however, the path I I was walking on was brightly lit and nothing was touching me or affecting me. It's as if I was just walking along minding my business and wasn't even noticing anything that was surrounding me. I feel I have had many encounters similar to this throughout my lifetime. 

There have many many times I have found myself in dangerous situations, however, while in the middle of it I had no clue. It was just another normal moment for me, but looking back later I realized just how serious the encounter was. I can think of a few times I've had just in the past 10 1/2 months I've been here in Florida. I'm going to share a couple with you. 

When I moved to Florida, I arrived in Destin, not knowing where I was going. I rented a room at a hotel for a week and while I was there I encountered a woman in the hotel lobby. I talked to her for a bit later that evening and later discovered she was homeless. She had proposed an idea to me that we share a room and split the costs to save us both money.  I agreed to help her out. After spending a small amount of time with her that week I realized there was something off with her. She spoke of God but there were certain things that just didn't add up to all! We shared a room for two days and that was enough for me. Sunday was my last day and God had led me to my new temporary home. I had moved in and a few days had passed when a moment came that I was stretching and happened to come across a small scratch/scab on the back of my neck. I had no clue where it came from and Holy Spirit revealed to me (in the form of a thought) this woman I had just shared a room with had cut me in my sleep. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination at that moment but kept it in the back of my mind. 

A few months passed and I encountered this woman again. She had asked me if she could go to church with me. I wasn't sure but prayed about it and "no weapon formed against me shall prosper" came to my mind. So I picked her up and took her to church. While on the drive there she looked at me and said "I've never met anyone who's so protected by the Holy Spirit as you are". I found that comment odd, how would she know just how protected I am? 

Once we arrived she sat her bag of stuff on the chair next to me then went to "mingle". Who was she going to mingle with? She knew no one but I just let it go. Service started and she was no where to be found. Then I spotted her standing against the wall in the front of the church next to one of the camera men right behind my pastor. What was this woman doing??? Holy Spirit immediately began to reveal to me that she was casting witchcraft. Oh Lord! What had I done? I brought a witch to church with me!!! Sure enough, that's exactly what I did and people knew it...including my pastor. 

When we left I couldn't wait to get her back to her destination and get her out of my car. She tried so hard to convince me to spend the afternoon with her but there was no way that was happening. On the ride home Holy Spirit started bubbling up out of me and I found myself praying in tongues a good portion of the ride home. 

A month or so later I was on a zoom prayer call with a few ladies I've joined up with from back home in the New Jersey area. They don't know a whole lot about me and I definitely hadn't shared anything with them regarding what was going on with me since I'd relocated to Florida. One of the ladies in the group is a seer which means she can see into the spirit realm. She confirmed to me that this woman had cut me and described the details to me. She was trying to put a curse on me...but it didn't work because no weapon formed against me shall prosper!

Another encounter happened in March. I had gotten a trip to pick up a couple about a half hour away from me. When I arrived I found out they wanted to go to Miami. What a blessing... this was an eight hour trip that paid about $1500. It was an odd situation and I was a bit uncomfortable at first. I picked them up and they wanted to pay with cash. This was not going to happen...what if they tried to rob me? I made them pay with credit card up front. Once the ride began I tried to make small talk with them to ease the awkwardness but the man spoke no English and the woman had no desire to conversate with me. Thank God they fell asleep for the first three to four hours of the ride. 

We stopped so they could use the bathroom and get something to eat and I began to notice that every where they went the man carried her purse...even into the bathroom. At one point I heard in their conversation the woman mention "Pennsylvania". That was odd. I somehow got to talking to her for a few minutes and me being who I am began talking to her about Jesus. She told me that she was very spiritual herself and started to tell me some things about myself including that I'm from Pennsylvania and I had a career in the transportation industry. What? I strongly didn't feel that Holy Spirit was revealing that to her and it boggled my mind for quite some time. 

Some other odd things happened throughout the ride, including that they claimed to be in the area on business with a friend and the car broke down, yet they had no luggage and looked like they had slept at the Burger King I picked them up at. When we arrived in Miami I was taking them to her office where she owns her own business as an accountant but she had no clue how to get there and didn't even know what the building looked like. Everything about the whole situation was a bit odd but I'm very naïve at times and don't realize things right away.

I kept hearing "the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous" and eventually concluded they were drug dealers. He was more than likely carrying her purse everywhere because it was loaded with drugs. She was getting her information about me from familiar spirits I'm sure because I know God wasn't revealing those things to her. I couldn't figure out why they would spend so much money to take an eight hour trip in a taxi when they could have easily rented a car for much cheaper or taken a bus/train/plane. Here I was transporting drugs and demonic people in my car, yet God was protecting me as I traveled along that path, unaware of all the evil surrounding me. 

Another situation that I'm not going to go into much detail about... I spent a short amount of time living in a house where drugs were strongly present and demons were everywhere. It was not a good situation and even though I couldn't sense the darkness while I was there I knew I was being drained of my anointing and from being in the presence of God. My best friend later told me of many possible things that could have happened to me that she was very afraid of, however, once again God protected me.

Last Sunday I got a call from a Spanish speaking gentleman asking for a ride for 6 individuals to the laundromat. They lived very close and it was going to be two 5-10 minute rides there and two rides back to accommodate everyone and I was going to make $60. Even though this was quick money I really was feeling lazy and didn't want to do it. I was on the phone with my significant other when the call came in and he didn't want me to take the ride. He was getting a very bad feeling about it. I thought it was just me being lazy and ended up doing it anyhow. 

I pulled up to a nice sized piece of property with a very nice house, multiple expensive SUV's in the driveway and two big work vans. None of this phased me. Five Mexican men came out with a laundry basket, a garbage bag, and three blue storage bins with lids on them. We put a couple things in the trunk but a couple of the bins weren't going to fit. I didn't want any of them sitting up front so I quickly took the bins right out of their hands and stacked them in the front seat. I noticed they were really light and thought it was odd that they carry their laundry in that container with a lid on it. They insisted that they hold them in the back with them (which was impossible). I dropped them all off and then went to pick up my friend and her husband and we went to dinner. 

While we were at dinner one of the men called and said they were ready. Amanda (my friend) insisted that her and her husband ride along with me. We got there and picked up two of the men and a few of the bins. On the ride home one of them asked me what it would cost to take five of them to California. No way.... that would cost a fortune, I have no desire to drive to California, especially with a car full of men that spoke absolutely no English. 

When we pulled up to the house one of the guys got out and unlocked the huge gate and I noticed he was picking spike strips up off the ground. I thought that was really odd but it still didn't register with me. We went back to get the other three and Amanda made sure to get the payment before allowing them in the car. Turns out they weren't going to pay me because they were scuffling for the money. 

I am not accusing anyone of anything but let's just get this straight... five foreign men who live in a very expensive house with multiple expensive vehicles and have a locked gate with spike strips needed a ride to the laundry mat and are seeking a very expensive ride to the other side of the nation in a taxi. Who knows what was in those bins but they were very uneasy when I was handling them.... and here I am unaware of what's going on, grabbing them from their hands and just loading them up in my front seat. 

I wasn't just being lazy and my man wasn't just being over protective...God was trying to prevent me from being in this situation. Even though I didn't listen and I did end up in the middle of it, God put Amanda and Josh beside me to help protect me. 

So as you can see... I do somehow end up in a lot of crazy situations, walking through the middle of the fire, however, I am not in that fire alone. There's another in the fire, and even though in my vision I couldn't see Him physically walking beside me, I could see that Jesus was there protecting me. Though the area surrounding me was filled with darkness, there was a wall of fire surrounding me and the light that comes only from Jesus was lighting up my path. 

God is no respecter of person and what He does for one, He will do for another. I pray that should you ever find yourself surrounded by darkness or in the middle of the fire, you remember this post and cry out to Jesus. Though he may not remove you from the situation, He will surely get in there with you and protect you to get you through it. 

I love you and I pray this has blessed you in some way.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

July 2, 2022

While on my way home from Tuesday night service at my church on October 19, 2021 I decided to stop by the Waffle House to grab something to eat. It was completely unlike me to go in and sit down at a restaurant alone, however, I didn't feel like getting fast food and this was my only option. While waiting for my take out to finish I began chatting with the waitress named Gina. She had commented on my "Jesus did it" shirt I was wearing and that opened up the conversation. I wasn't there long but as I was leaving she looked at me and said "Come back and see me sometime".  The following Tuesday on my way home from church I did just that...and the following Tuesday after that and the one after that too. It had become my Tuesday night ritual to stop by and grab a bite to eat while chatting with Gina and the cook Jamie. 

When I would go there we would talk about Jesus almost the entire time. Before I knew it, Gina had become my best friend and we began spending time together outside of my visits to the Waffle House. I became friends with her daughter and her mother also and when we needed some "girl time" the four of us would go to Bingo together. 

In November something kept telling me to introduce Gina to a friend of mine (at that time) and it turned out he had connections in her hometown of this little town in Georgia. Surely, that was no coincidence. 

I'm introducing Gina to you now because she plays a huge part in future blog posts that are soon to come! In addition, she has played a huge part in many different ways in my life since I've relocated to Florida. 

In March I moved about forty-five minutes away from where I had been living and my trips to the Waffle House dwindled. Gina was still a part of my life but I wasn't seeing her nearly as much as I had before. During this time I began to fall into a spiritual pit and my relationship with God slowly faded in and out. God used Gina to speak to me, open my eyes, and pull me out of that pit. She had no clue what was going on in detail but she kept telling me...Holly you need to get people from your church to start praying for you. God is telling me something is not right with you and you need prayer. Boy was she ever right. Had she not spoken up who knows how much longer or further I'd have fallen. I took her advice and before I knew it I was headed back in the right direction. 

Last weekend I went out of town and Gina went with me. She had told me often of her aunt who was a spirit filled woman and she had taken her to her first spirit filled church as a child. She had received news years ago that her aunt had passed away but something inside her kept telling her it wasn't true. While we were in the area we went looking for her aunt. Sure enough she was very much alive but sadly she has some type of dementia. For being a woman in her mid 90's I'd say God has surely blessed her. We visited with her aunt for a little while and listened to her speak of different stories that were not of the present, but possibly of times past. It was clear she was very confused about many things. We started talking about Jesus and her aunt began singing an old church hymn. I had never seen this before and was quite amazed...but then the Holy Ghost showed up and Auntie began speaking in tongues and the glory of God manifested as the three of us began praising Jesus in the room of the nursing home. 

You I sat at my desk the morning I was leaving Pennsylvania, I was heart broken and crying to God. Leaving my friends and family behind was not easy but I heard Him say to me "I need to remove you from everyone you're around before I can bless you or you will give all your blessings away to them." As hard as it was to leave them all behind...what God brought me into was so much greater. In this case at point...Gina is a true best friend, we help each other grow and hold each other accountable, she has played such a huge role in events that have already transpired and I know she's going to play a HUGE role in things to come! I'm excited and look forward to sharing more about what God's been doing in our lives but it's not until He gives me the green light to go!

 I love each and every one of you and pray God blesses you.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

June 9, 2022

I grew up and spent the first twenty-four years of my life in a very small town in central Pennsylvania called Clearfield. Now that I've seen and experienced different parts of the United States and even different parts of Pennsylvania, I'd consider my hometown to be countryish. We had driveways and parking lots...the only place we parallel parked was in town and we didn't even do that. If you drove around the block a time or two eventually you'd come across a parking spot you could just pull into. Our houses were all single homes. If there was more than one unit in a home it was considered a duplex that was owned by one person and rented to multiple families. To think that two people would own the same physical home was completely absurd to me. And townhomes or condos.... who would want to own what I would consider an apartment? We didn't have them either. The smallest apartment I'd ever come across was a one bedroom... I had never heard of an efficiency apartment or a studio. We didn't have big apartment buildings either, at most we would have a house that was turned into two or three apartments. We all had big yards and there were small hometown stores and family owned businesses. There were farms with cows and chickens, and corn fields. I learned to drive on back roads that were made of dirt. We would spend our weekends along the river banks in a man made camping spot where we would cook on a campfire, go four wheeler riding, and swim in the river after making a dam that would deepen the water. Life here was slower paced and we enjoyed the little things in life. 

Early in my adult years I moved to the Philadelphia suburbs which were the complete opposite of everything I'd ever known. At first I lived in the heart of the ghetto and later moved to the nicer areas, yet I still yearned for that hometown feel. As years passed I grew accustomed to my surroundings and life became fast paced. I easily got so caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle of things that I didn't take time to pay attention to the small things. When I moved to Florida, the same applied. I was living in the Destin area which is a huge tourist attraction. 

The area I live in now, is very much country. There's a lot of open land and wide open spaces. I remember how reluctant I once was to move here...until I began to realize this was where I was being called to. Just days prior to my realization, I had a conversation and I was saying, nope I'm not living in the country, you're not going to find me barefoot raising children on a farm. But heart softened and I realized more and more every day that just may be what God has in store for me. 

I've been speaking with a friend of mine about hearing God speak and differentiating to know when it's actually him or someone else. As I was reflecting on some scriptures last night regarding that, I came across Psalm 37:7 - Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 46:10 tells us to Be still and know that I am God. In that moment, I realized that more often than not, I'm not still. There are so many distractions that make it hard to be still. 

This morning I had some time between dropping one customer off and picking up the next. I found a park along my path and decided to pull over and eat the breakfast I had bought while passing time. As I sat in in the peacefulness and quiet I thought about the beauty surrounding me and the beauty of that moment. I was reminded of my days of traveling while working at the software company. I would go sight seeing everywhere I went and I would take lots of photos to capture the moments so I could reflect on them later or share them with my loved ones. It had been a long time since I actually took pictures. As I continued along my journey I began to snap some photos and bask in the beauty surrounding me. I was brought into remembrance of my hometown roots and once again began to appreciate the stillness. I remembered how I longed for this at one point. 

As the day progressed I began to see the vision of a future here where God has planted me...doing so much more than driving a taxi. I am grateful I came across that scripture, not only to help me get into His presence but also to remind me to slow down and enjoy the stillness. 

We often get caught up in so many things throughout the day that weeks pass before our eyes without us realizing where the time went. I encourage you to take some time to be still and as you do, be open to your thoughts, be open to the voice of God. He's always speaking to us, but often we are too busy and too distracted to listen. 

I love you and I pray this has blessed you in some way.  If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

June 7, 2022

On June 25th, 2021 I said my goodbyes to my fellow co-workers at Stella Jones in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania and walked away knowing that would be the last day I ever worked for another employer again. I could feel it inside of me and now looking back I know that was the Holy Spirit revealing that to me. 

For the majority of my adult life I had relied only on myself. I always provided for myself financially and always had a backup plan. Even leaving PA... my back up plan was an ex boyfriend who also happened to be my best friend. I knew if I needed anything financially he would help me out until I got on my feet. But as time began to pass, God began to speak to me about removing certain people from my life...the ex boyfriend being number one on the list. I didn't fully understand why at the time but I began to realize God was trying to put me in a position to break and remove all things that weren't of Him and replace them with things that were. He had to remove that safety net and I had to allow Him to become my safety net and not only my back up plan but my plan A, B, C, and D!

Early in my arrival to the Destin area I began to look for employment even though I felt strongly that wasn't part of God's plan. I applied for a couple jobs on Indeed and one of the first one's that scheduled me for an interview just happened to be with a man from my church. I had just started there and no one really knew me. I had joined the woman's ministry and had met this mans wife. Needless to say, I didn't get the job and she had told me they discussed it and prayed about it and felt that God was calling me to be an entrepreneur. That confirmed it! God had already dropped a business venture into me and I had created a t-shirt/wall décor company called Grace On Display. 

On November 22nd I felt led to go watch a Facebook live of a ministry I had been following for about a year at that time. Prophet James said he had a prophetic word for me and brought me on the live broadcast to prophesy to me.  These are some of the exact words he spoke:

I'm seeing you traveling, going back and forth. The profit you get from the business is going to enable you to travel. You're going to go to the places God has called you to go. I see you becoming more active for Jesus. You're going to be in the streets traveling and it's going to be very strategic what God's gonna bring you to do. You're going to love on people and pray for them. Your business is going to be the avenue God uses to allow you to travel. I don't know how or what this means but you're going to "cut out the middle man". I see you traveling and gas money and car repairs will no longer be a problem. Someone else is going to come along and help you with the business. God's going to bring someone into your life that's going to help you with the business and be your partner. January 2022 is going to overtake you tremendously!

One Monday in the middle of January, one of my housemates asked me for a ride to a nearby town. He was going to start driving a taxi. As I sat listening to him I began to ponder the whole situation and I remember thinking hmmm... I wonder if I could do that. That night I applied to drive with the company. They brought me in the next morning and hired me on the spot. I was scheduled for orientation the following week but God's plan was different. They changed the plan and brought me in the next day. I had a Florida drivers license within 24 hours and was in a taxi by Friday. 

I was a little reluctant at first because I wasn't sure I'd made much money at this but let me tell you...when God's hand is upon it...look out! By the first full month of driving and the months that followed God had doubled the salary I left behind in Pennsylvania and cut my hours in half! I was making double what I made and only working 20 hours a week...if that!

I had a lady I took to an appointment every day from a small town about 45 minutes away from where I was staying. As each day approached I would have more and more scheduled rides in that small town. I knew it was God...and so did my dispatcher. I remember him calling me one day and saying "Holly, someone is watching out for you. This is unheard of". As time went on I knew God was calling me to live in that town. I ended up moving there in the beginning of March and at that time I had no idea that God had even bigger plans ahead for me. 

Just as this man of God had spoken...God very strategically brought another business into my life which has also become my ministry. I believe that many people who have come into my vehicle have been an alignment from God. I'm always quick to share the love of Jesus with them and testify of God's goodness. God has done so much, not just for me but for others through this. 

One day in particular a man smelling strongly of alcohol got into my car and sat in the front seat. I wasn't too fond of that and at first was weary of him. I began to talk to him and he shared with me that his lady friend had just had a stroke and was paralyzed from the waist down. I told him I was going to pray for the two of them. A couple weeks later he needed a ride. I asked how his lady friend was and his response was "she's doing better, she's moving her legs again". Glory to God! The power of prayer is amazing!

Another quick testimony... I had picked up a man who was down on his luck. He had just moved to the area and was pretty much homeless. The day I picked him up he had just checked out of the hotel, had no where to stay, no money, and it was pouring down rain. I was taking him to meet someone who had told him about a job. On the way there I prayed with him that God would bless him and provide for him. The next time I seen him he told me he got the job and started working immediately that day and the boss gave him a place to live until he got on his feet! Glory to God! He's soooo good!

There's so much more to this business venture... and even though I'm a few months into it, God still keeps blowing my mind as more and more blessings become revealed that pertain to it. In my next blog I'll share with you MORE of what God has done in my life...including the partner that was prophesied and cutting out the middle man!

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3



May 29, 2022

I always associated "revival" with bringing people to Jesus... until last night. 

The definition of revival is "restoration to life back into the spirit". 

My church has this thing we call "House Fires". There are different people from our church who host them at their house. Everyone who wants to attend chooses one of the locations to make their "home group" and then we all meet there on the second and fourth Saturday's of the month.  These have been going on since the beginning of the year but last night was the first one I finally attended and it was definitely a divine appointment. 

At these meetings we usually go over notes that the pastor shares from a previous sermon. Last night we were discussing revival. As I sat there listening to everyone share their thoughts Holy Spirit was giving me revelation and nudging me to share with the group. I didn't want to but I knew it was what God wanted me to do.  This was what I shared...

When God opened my spiritual eyes and awakened me in November of 2020 I was on fire for Jesus. I had a desire that burned deep within me for God and my life revolved around Him. For the following year and a half I lived a bowed down, totally sold out life for Jesus and as a result I lived in the glory of Jesus and walked in His favor abundantly. 

But then the enemy found a way in and I slowly fell away from the things of God. He's very sly and sneaky. The past two months have been a real struggle for me. It started by me not making it to church on occasions because of schedules and timing issues. Then I started to fall into sin and I became a slave to temptations. I quit reading the Bible and then the enemy shut my mouth. The prayers that were made powerful by the authority and faith I carried through Jesus became non-existent. I was in a constant battle between good and evil and my mind was the battleground. I felt like I was just there, going through the motions but not feeling the anointing I once had. I wanted to get back to that position I was once in... I wanted to feel that fire I once burned with. Every time I would go to church and get refueled the enemy would come in and smother the flames. 

But then everything changed. On Sunday May 15th I woke up feeling sick and overcome with a terrible feeling of heartburn. I was struggling to get up and get ready for church and with the way I was feeling I just wanted to go back to bed. I knew it was demonic. As I lay in bed I remember thinking... the enemy is really pushing and I need to push that much harder. I text a dear friend from my church who I feel has taken me under her wing and also happens to be the leader of my House Fire group. I said "Good morning! Today's word is gonna be for me. The enemy is fighting me big time to get to church today." She responded with "No weapon formed against you shall prosper! Get to the house of the Lord today! Submit to God, Resist the devil, and he will flee!" 

I was about halfway to church when all of a sudden something broke in the spiritual realm. The nauseating feelings and the heartburn disappeared literally in the blink of an eye. When I got to church her husband came up and asked me how I was feeling. As I told him what had happened he told me he and his wife had been praying the whole way to church for me. Thank God for Kingdom relationships! It was their prayers that broke the attack of the enemy against me.

As Pastor Shawn was preaching on revival he began to speak about Revelations 2:5 "Repent and do thy first works over". I knew right then that's what I needed. As he continued he told us to take about thirty seconds and make an altar right where we were and re-dedicate our lives to Jesus. That's exactly what I did and from that moment on my relationship with God began to be restored. 

As the week passed into the next I began reading my Bible again, I began to worship again, and I began to pray powerful prayers that change things in the atmosphere and make demons flee. I began taking every thought captive that wasn't of God and as a result the struggle between good and evil in my mind began to disappear. It was no longer a struggle to make it to church and it became my priority again. 

The other day Holy Spirit brought to memory a vision of my past. I was still living in Pennsylvania and I would come home from work, turn my playlist on YouTube on the television and I would stand in my bedroom worshiping and praising God. There was one song in particular, "Fragrance to Fire" that I would literally dance before the Lord while worshiping to it. Totally out of character for me but it was between me and God. The lyrics explain that my worship would create a fragrance that rose up to the Father and would turn into fire as it reached him and it would release noises, thundering, and earthquakes as a response to my worship. This worship was my weapon I use against the enemy. I worshipped to this song for the first time in many months and this played a part in my turn around. 

As I sat at this house fire last night I realized revival isn't just about bringing people to Jesus... it's about reviving us as Christians. And it was in this moment Holy Spirit gave me revelation that I was in the middle of my own personal revival. God was reviving me! Glory to God! 

Being there last night restored my soul and filled me with joy and hope and fire. It was definitely a divine appointment!

There is so much joy and peace to be found in a relationship with God. So many don't know what they are missing out on. As you read this I bind every demonic spirit that is binding and blinding you and I decree and declare Acts 26:18 over your life... that your eyes are being opened from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the power of God. I pray that Holy Spirit encounters you and nudges you and may you long for the things of God instead of the things of the world. I pray you experience revival for yourself!

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Apr 19, 2022

Sometimes it's the little things in life that make us happy. Recently for me it was hearing one little four letter word spoken to me by Holy Spirit while in prayer...Zinc! 

For the past couple months my hair had been shedding at an extreme rate and I noticed suddenly that my hair was so much thinner than it had ever been in my life. I began researching reasons and solutions and came up with a few vitamins I planned on purchasing to start my attempt at the road to recovery for the hair loss. They included Biotin and Iron and I knew I had to change my diet to include more healthy choices including more protein. None the less, I was driving this past Friday and was feeling down and just began to talk to God about what was on my mind.... and that's when Holy Spirit told me Zinc. I knew right away it was for my hair and I knew it wasn't my imagination.... I wouldn't come up with that on my own! I immediately did some research and seen it was for your immune system but seen nothing about hair... regardless I bought it and began taking it.  A couple days passed and I chose to change my google search to include "what does zinc do for hair loss" and that's when the Ah Ha moment happened. Google claims that Zinc plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair. It also keeps the oil glands around the follicles working properly. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. 

You know it wasn't the word zinc itself  or the solution to my problem that made me so happy.... it was hearing God speak to me and knowing He was giving me knowledge that I needed to fix my issue. A lot of people including "Christians" find it hard to believe that God speaks to us. If you're a Christian and you're not hearing God speak to you then you are missing out on one of the greatest benefits of having a relationship with God. 

I will never forget the first time I heard God speak to me. It was December of 2020 and I had asked a woman I met how to hear God speak to me. She told me of Samuel in the Bible where God was calling his name. She told me to just pray, ask God to speak to me, and then listen and write down what I heard. I was so excited that day I left work early and sat in my driveway and did exactly what she said. As I just sat there listening a thought came into my head that said "Deuteronomy 4:7". I ignored it. Then it happened again. I thought... let me just look this up....

Deuteronomy 4:7 - For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on Him

Wow!!! It totally blew my mind... He was speaking to me. This one moment opened up the flood gates that led to a much deeper relationship with God. As the days went on He continued to guide me, speaking to me. I remember December 21st... just days later. It was my last day at work and I was heading out of town for the rest of the year. I woke up that morning with Holy Spirit guiding me and giving me step by step instructions through out the day. It started with telling me to pray... on my knees. I did it! He told me to fast that day. I did it. Around 10:30 I was finished up with my paperwork at the office and Holy Spirit instructed me to tell my boss I was going to lunch to get the rental car and he would allow me to leave for the day. So I text my boss, told him I was headed out for early lunch. He pops his head in my office and says "Are you done with your work?" I said yes. He said "Get out of here and enjoy your holiday... see you next year". What!!!!

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our helper and our guide. There have been many times He's given me insight or showed me things... that are just everyday things.

 For instance, while on my journey to Florida I was staying in a hotel for a short period of time. Holy Spirit had already revealed to me I would be there for at least seven days. He showed me this by reminding me of the story of Joshua going around the walls of Jericho for 7 days and on the 7th day the walls came tumbling down. He had told me to leave a certain situation alone for 7 days and as hard as it was I knew it's what I had to do. One night early into my stay at the hotel I felt an urgency to pack my stuff up before going to bed that night. I had no clue why but I did it. The next morning the front desk called me and upgraded me to a better room! In case you're wondering... on the 7th day the walls of my Jericho came crashing down! 

I've recently begun a new business and was trying to incorporate it into my website somehow. About a week ago Holy Spirit gave me specific insight on what to do!

And then there's those moments when He will give you a word for someone else! One morning I woke up thinking about a man who has been incarcerated in Pennsylvania State Prison for many years and had a life sentence. And then I heard Holy Spirit say "God is going to make a way"! I knew that word was for him but I had no clue what it meant. I immediately emailed him through the prison system and told him. He called me a couple days later and told me that his case was being re-examined because they found evidence the District Attorney's office was doing illegal things during the time of his trial. 

Just recently someone reached out to me and I felt like I should pray for them. While praying, the words just kept flowing and all of a sudden a scripture from the Bible came to my mind. 1 John 2:15 tells us that as Christians we are not to love the things of the world and Matthew 6:24 tells us that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve God and still be "of the world". I had no clue what was going on with this person but shared my thoughts with them, knowing it was a word for them. They later text me and said "I see what you were saying about serving two masters, I feel like I've been serving everyone but God". 

Often times when I write a blog I feel as if it's inspired by the Holy Spirit. As I sit down to write the words just flow with little to no effort at all. Saturday night when I had the revelation of why He spoke zinc to me, I wanted to get on here and share it with the world. As I sat down to write I struggled with everything. I couldn't come up with a title and could barely put my thoughts into words. I realized it wasn't the time to share. Tonight just moments before I sat down at my laptop I had a vision in my head. It was a bottle of zinc vitamins in the odd shaped photo that appears on my blog pages and the words began to form. Holy Spirit was telling me it was time to write and the words were flowing before I could even get the website open. This is just another way God speaks to us. 

God is so good. He loves us and wants a relationship with us. He created us in HIS image. He is nothing but good! I see him most often as my father, who loves me and who is the greatest Father any child could ever have. I could go on and on about how great He has been to me but I'll save that for another day. 

I just want to encourage you... everything you are missing or lacking in your life can be found in God. He created you. He knows every single thing about you and He wants to love on you and have a relationship with you. He wants to speak to you. Please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to share the love of Jesus with you and lead you to Him. 

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Mar 31, 2022

When I moved to Florida in October God ordered my steps and led me to a room I was renting on Airbnb. The Emerald coast is a huge tourist attraction and is busy from March until September usually. The remaining months are referred to as the "off season" when things aren't as busy. During this time the family I was renting from rents out the rooms in the house individually but during the busy season they rent out the entire house. I knew going into my move there that I would be moving out prior to the beginning of March. Early on in February they told me my time there was coming to an end and I didn't stress it at all even though I had no clue what I was going to do. I knew God was going to handle things.

One Friday in February I was going about my business and I gave a woman name Diane a ride to a doctors appointment. I didn't talk a whole lot to her because I was very tired that morning but she did a great job keeping me awake with her conversation. Turned out she was from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.... not too far from my hometown. While she was seeing the doctor I took a nap and afterwards we stopped by Popeyes for lunch before I took her home. She insisted on showing me the property that was for sale in the area so we took the scenic route home.

Two days later, on Sunday, she called me and she said "Holly, God told me that you need a place to live". What???? Okay God... I see you working! It was earlier that morning I received the revelation God was calling me to relocate to that town which is about 45 minutes from where I was staying. She told me she was going into surgery soon and would be going to a rehab/nursing home afterwards for a period of time and wanted me to live in her house for free and just keep an eye on things while she was gone. But God!!!

Within the next day or two that followed I received a vision that I was in the house with my future husband and we were moving boxes around. We were standing in a dining room right next to a refrigerator. Yes.... there was a fridge in the dining room. By the end of the week I went to her house to meet with her and see how I felt about living there. When I walked in the house I seen exactly what I had seen in the vision. I seen the exact spot where we were standing in the dining room right next to the refrigerator.

I ended up moving in with her for a couple weeks and during this time there was a lot of spiritual warfare going on in my life. The enemy was trying to steal, kill, and destroy everything God had in store for me that I was about to walk into. I found myself very confused about many things. I ended up moving out for a couple weeks and staying with a friend temporarily. During this three week period I fell off my spiritual walk. There was a lot of demonic activity going on around me and the enemy was trying to suck the life right out of me and drain my anointing. I quit praying, I quit decreeing and declaring life, I ignored God, there were days I didn't go to church and I quit listening to the ministries and messages I follow, and I quit worshiping.

As a laid down follower of Jesus I know the authority I walk in and my words have power. You see, the true body of Christ are the biggest enemy of the devil. We have the power and the authority through Jesus to defeat him through our words and prayers.  The Bible tells us in James 5:16... the earnest prayers of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. I am a prayer warrior and I know my words manifest great things through the power of Jesus Christ. I witness it all the time. The one thing I continued to do was testify and share the love of Jesus with everyone around me.  

What the enemy means for evil, God always turns it around for good. God has a way of turning up the heat or nudging us to get us back on the right path. My best friend had told me two nights after I moved out... you're not done with that woman. God put you in her life for a reason and you're going back there. I knew she was onto something because what I seen happening in that vision hadn't occurred yet, and I had a good suspicion I'd be back... fulfilling that vision....among many other things.

Three days ago God really began to start speaking to me. He started pulling on my heart strings. He reminded me of how King David sinned and fell short... he slept with the lady down the street, got her pregnant, and killed her husband.... but God still favored David. God is a father to us and He's the best father we're ever going to encounter. You see, when we make bad decisions or we do something that our parents don't agree with... they don't just stop loving us, they don't stop wanting a relationship with us! And the same is true with God!

I realized quickly Diane's house is where I'm suppose to be. I was here visiting a couple days ago and while I was here her daughter, whom I've grown close to, stopped by. The three of us sat here chatting and laughing and enjoying ourselves and for the first time in a long time I felt like I was around family again. It was such a great feeling. I ended up moving back in. As I stood in the shower, I opened my mouth and began to pray. I hadn't prayed like this in weeks. It felt so good to repent and to spend time in the presence of God. And as I lay here in bed writing this blog I'm listening to worship music and praising Jesus for loving me... even at my worst.

This is just one of the many blessings God has bestowed upon me through this taxi business. There are so many pieces that fit together to form a bigger picture and I look forward to sharing them all with you as the time comes.

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Mar 28, 2022

2022 is here and it's already the end of March! Hard to believe this is my first post this year. Three months have come and gone and I haven't posted anything! Truth be told I have been extremely busy in these past few months. A man of God, Prophet James Thompson, prophesied to me on November 22, 2021 that I was about to become more active for Jesus and start hitting the streets more. He also prophesied that "January 2022 was going to overtake me tremendously". 

In this post I'm not going to go into detail with what's been going on but in the very near future I will be sharing bits and pieces of the past couple months of my life with you. God has been doing so many huge things in my life and they are all connected to this one event.... I began driving a taxi cab! Who would have thought? I know I surely never would have. 

In January I was chatting with my house mate and he was telling me that he was about to start driving a taxi that he could use for his own personal use. As I sat and absorbed what he was telling me I began to think....hmmm maybe I should do that. I applied that night, was hired the next day, had training the next day and was ready to start driving. Meanwhile... I needed to get a Florida drivers license. For those who don't know I have been married and divorced three times in my life and one of the requirements to obtain my DL was to provide all three of my marriage license to prove my name change. I thought I was going to need to contact the courts in Pennsylvania and it was going to be a process.... but God! Holy Spirit told me to look in my box of papers in my trunk of my car and sure enough all three of the documents were right there. I got my license the next day and had my new taxi by Friday. 

This business venture has truly been an alignment from God. It was never my idea... but aligned it, He accelerated it, and He most certainly has blessed it. Every person who has come into my vehicle has been sent by God himself for some reason or another. I often find myself witnessing to them, sharing the love of Jesus with them, praying with them at times, and most certainly praying for them long after they part ways with me. There's soooo much more that God has done and has been continuing to do and I can't wait to share it with the world. 

I pray that everyone reading this has a blessed week and may they be surrounded by the love of God. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so. 

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Dec 31, 2021

New Years Eve is upon us and I sit here reflecting on the past 365 days of 2021. This time last year I sat in South Carolina with my eyes fixed to the screen of my phone watching "Crossing Over" at Christ Embassy, a church in Nicholasville, Kentucky. My eyes had radically been opened just a month and a half earlier and in that moment God was aligning me with an online church that would disciple me and teach me much in the months to come. I learned about spiritual authority, learned how to pray powerful prayers, decree and declare, and of the deeper things of Jesus. 

In January I heard Holy Spirit tell me I was moving to Florida but I had no clue of the details at that time. By the middle of February I had fallen under a heavy attack of the enemy and found myself so completely out of character. I ended up going out of town for a couple weeks and took a vacation with my ex-husband Tony to Florida. As I pulled out of the house I literally felt this heavy weight lift off my shoulders. We enjoyed our time together at the lake and I was so blessed to meet an amazing sister in Christ who owned the house. I believe that was an alignment from God. I returned home to Pennsylvania with fresh oil and on fire for God once again. 

April came and God poured a business venture into me which led to starting my own company "Grace On Display".  By June I had received clarity and confirmation that I would be moving to Destin, Florida.

 June 25th I walked away from the best job I'd ever had in my career. Within the days that followed I had my first angel encounter, received a prophetic word that registered with my spirit, had my first full out vision, encountered the Holy Spirit in my dreams that was previously prophesied by two different prophets, and packed up my clothes in my car and left behind everything and everyone as I embarked on the next chapter of my life. 

For three months I stayed in South Carolina waiting for God to restore my marriage with my ex-husband. On September 25th I realized that wasn't part of God's plan at that time and on October 9th I walked away and headed to Florida alone. 

The past three months have been nothing short of supernatural. God has ordered my steps, provided in ways that one would never believe, and has moved in my life in ways I never imagined. Going into 2022 I have visions, dreams, and assignments that I cannot wait to watch Him move in. 

I pray that every one of my loved ones, every one that I have somehow crossed paths with along the way, and every person reading this comes to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior in this coming year. I pray that you will be blessed abundantly and that you will witness the goodness of God in your life. 

Happy New Year!

Much love,

Holly W <3


Dec 27, 2021

One of my favorite songs is "Glorious Day". When I'm driving in my car I usually have it blasting as I sing along. Last night I was going through some things and had a lot on my mind. As I drove along contemplating my next steps and thinking about all that had transpired in the previous couple days I searched for answers from Holy Spirit. My mind was in overload and ultimately I just wanted to hear from God. 

As I drove across the bridge I decided.... let me just listen to some music. I sang along.... I needed rescue, my sin was heavy but chains break at the weight of your glory. I needed shelter, I was an orphan But you call me a citizen of Heaven. When I was broken, you were my healing... now your love is the air that I'm breathing. I have a future, my eyes are open... Then you called my name... and I ran out of that grave!

Then it hit me...the chains were breaking! Worshiping was setting me free. Chains were breaking at the weight of His glory. Holy Spirit showed up and revealed answers I was seeking. My mind was clear and I began to feel so free of all that was weighing my mind down. I put it on repeat and sang it loudly, full of fire as I worshiped my Father knowing he was breaking those chains. 

Over the past few days the enemy had really gotten into my mind. The Bible tells us that he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Sometimes God gives us revelation but the enemy comes in and tries to twist things around and steal it from us. Our mind can become the devil's playground if we allow it to. That's why it's so important to know the Word of God and to stand on His promises. When it's from God, He will confirm and re-confirm things to us. 

In my journey I've learned that the enemy will use anyone he can against us. Any person who is not a spirit filled "Christian" and follower of Christ is serving the devil by default. I've witnessed how the enemy will use people to try to get us out of character or to try to cause strife in your life, in your walk, in your environment and even in relationships. I believe that more often than not these people don't even realize they are being used by Satan himself. When something is ordained by God himself, the enemy will try hard to attack and hinder or block us from where God's taking us. However, when the hand of God is upon something, nothing can stop Him. 

I had recently posted on Facebook requesting prayer for my brother. He has been addicted to drugs for the majority of his adult life, homeless from time to time, and just going down a path of destruction. Prior to leaving Pennsylvania he lived with me for a year or so. Every time I would talk about Jesus it seemed as if he would get up and run to his room, like he couldn't get out of there quick enough. When we parted ways in July he ended up living in a drug house environment for a few months, until he ended up homeless a week or so ago. All his life he had my mother, or me, or whatever woman he was in a relationship with. I don't think he's ever really been alone. Until recently! Long story short, he ended up going to a shelter that night and they put him in the hospital. He was going through withdrawal, had sepsis, and Covid.  The hospital ended up putting my brother in a hotel for a week or two until he tests negative for Covid. I've been praying for my brother for some time now, decreeing and declaring the chains of addiction to be broken and for his salvation. In the past week I've watched the hand of God move in a mighty fashion over my brothers life. I literally see God's hand picking my brother up out of that drug house and placing him in a better atmosphere. He could have been in a shelter, on the streets homeless, in a hospital, in that drug house, or even worse dead... but instead God placed him in a hotel for the holiday season and he's now almost two weeks clean and sober. He has plans of continuing his journey of sobriety by enlisting in a rehab program. 

I feel led to tell someone... sometimes we can't see the silver lining in what God has ordained. Sometimes what may seem negative to us is really a blessing in disguise. We don't always see what God is sparing us from. We don't always know the what if's... had this not happened, where would I be now. The enemy has a plot but God always has a plan and let me tell you... His timing is always perfect. His ways are not our ways and we don't always see things from his perspective. But He knows best. We just need to step back and allow him to move... and trust Him. 

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so. 

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

Dec 15, 2021

A couple weeks ago I was out and about and stopped at Pizza Hut to get something to eat. I wanted to order a small pizza but my only options were a personal pan pizza or a medium. I always think I'm hungrier than I really am and ended up ordering two personal pan pizzas. I was on the phone with a friend and pulled over in a gas station parking lot to eat while chatting. I noticed a young man sitting next to the building, wildly banging drumsticks on the ground. It was late in the evening and my first thought was he must be homeless if he's out here like this at this time of night. I knew I was not going to eat that other pizza and would end up throwing it away. I decided if he was still there when I was ready to leave I was going to give it to him. 

I pulled up a few feet away from the young man and tried to get his attention but he was very lost in his loud music and what he was doing. I held the pizza out the window and he came to speak to me. As he approached I noticed how young he was. He had a super hero type mask on that covered his eyes and the top of his head that he took off as he neared me. He thanked me for the pizza and told me he hadn't eaten in quite some time and asked me my name. We chatted for a few minutes and then I asked him if I could pray for him. He was so overjoyed that I had asked and quickly agreed. I was about to stop and pray with him right in that moment, however, my phone began to ring and something was telling me to leave even though I could sense no danger. I asked him his name and he told me his name was Allan but he preferred to be called Sir AJ. I told him I would pray for him and started to end the conversation when he said "you can pray for me now if you'd like". So I did just that. 

I lifted him up to my Father in Heaven and asked him to surround him with a hedge of protection and to engulf him in His love, and to open his eyes from darkness to light according to Acts 26:18. I decreed and declared Zechariah 3:2 over him, the Lord rebuke you Satan and cancelled the assignment of the enemy off of his life. When we said Amen and I opened my eyes, I noticed he was crying. He told me that prayer had touched him. 

I've since connected with him on Facebook and seen how he has touched so many lives. I did ask his permission to write about him in my blog and use this photo that was taken that very day I met him. His profile on Facebook says he is Autistic and in his bio it says "I'm not like other people, I'm different, not less". I've seen stories of him praying with the cops in his town and different people he meets along the way. 

I grew up in a small hometown where there weren't many "different" people. It was very rare to see anyone who wasn't Caucasian, and I never witnessed a homeless person. When I moved closer to the Philadelphia area I seen a lot of less fortunate people on the streets and even though many are affected by drugs and addiction the truth is they are still humans that need love. Even more so, they all need the love of Jesus. There are many who are bound in chains of bondage by the enemy... we don't know their story. We don't know what they've been through. We don't know how they ended up where they are. But what I do know, is God created each and every one of us and we are to love everyone. You never know how one tiny act of kindness could forever change someone's day...maybe even their life!

Let us pray! Heavenly Father, I come before You and I thank You for this opportunity to pray for my neighbor. Lord I pray that you will surround every person reading this with your love. I pray that as you engulf them, they will feel the power and presence of You, of your Holy Spirit touching them. For those who don't know you personally, I decree and declare Acts 26:18 over them, Father open their eyes, touch them right where they are so they may come to see the light that is found only in You. Lord I give you all the glory and in your name I pray, Amen!

If this touched you feel free to reach out using the contact page. You can submit a prayer request or a testimony by clicking here. 

May God bless you!

Much Love, 
Holly W <3

Dec 1, 2021

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts God aligned me with an amazing church family at New Life. If you missed it, go check out my post "Welcome Home". Tuesday nights are Turning Point Tuesday service. 

Every week during this service the Holy Spirit moves in great power and many are filled and become "drunk in the Spirit". Now many can argue whether this is Biblical and in the past I've even questioned it and researched it myself. Every service, I go in, and as I engage in worship I find myself easily distracted by everything going on around me. Everyone around me is lost in their own moment with God...except me. Then as worship comes to an end many are filled overflowing and become filled with joy and laughter... as I sit there wondering what's wrong with me... why am I not experiencing this? 

This past Sunday on my way home from church I was in deep conversation with God. I had disobeyed His prompting of where to spend Thanksgiving and felt very convicted and saddened about the situation. Time has passed quickly and as the holiday approached I realized it had snuck up on me. I was a bit sad because of the time of year and I was missing my family and loved ones. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me I was to spend Thanksgiving with this one woman from my church. As the week went on, the pastor said there were families who were opening up their homes to those who didn't have anyone to spend Thanksgiving with, and then as if Holy Spirit hadn't confirmed it to me already, the woman's husband got on the pulpit Tuesday night and invited everyone personally to their home. Thanksgiving morning... the woman reached out to me personally and invited me over and I struggled with it because I kept telling myself I wanted to stay home and be alone, even though I knew I was to spend it elsewhere. 

Sunday morning while talking to this woman, she asked about my holiday and I told her I spent it at home. Her response was "Do you feel that is where you were meant to be that day?" and I knew... no it wasn't.... I was suppose to spend it at her house. She knew it and so did I.  It wasn't about the holiday.... it was about God had a reason for me to be there and I missed it by my disobedience. 

As I drove home that afternoon, I repented and then began to talk to Him about how I feel like something is missing. I see everyone around me in their own worship with Him but I feel like I'm on the outside looking in. A while ago I came to realize that I try to limit the Holy Spirit when moving in my life. When I'm home or alone.... I'm dancing, singing, praising, lost in my world with my Father, but when I'm at church around others, I get shy and limit myself from jumping in the river. Sunday, I surrendered that to God and I asked Him to take that from me. 

Yesterday evening as I was on my way to church I was lost in praise and worship. When I'm in my car I have my music loud and I will be singing and moving to the music as I worship Jesus. I was worshiping to two of my favorite songs.... Open Up The Heavens and Glorious Day. As I was talking to God I had this feeling in my Spirit that we were going to sing one of them at church and I remember thinking, God if I'm right and we really sing one of these then I know it was all You. 

I got to church and worship started and don't you know we started by singing Open Up the Heavens. Jesus... I knew you were going to come through! Then that song ended and the next one started.... "I was buried beneath my shame. Who could carry this kind of weight? It was my tomb... Til I met You". 

Yes Jesus!!!! I couldn't help but stand there smiling from ear to ear, overwhelmed with the feeling of being so loved by my Father. We didn't just worship with one of my favorite songs.... we were worshiping with both of them!!!! I got lost in my own intimate moment with Him as I jumped in the river of the Holy Spirit. 

The service was one like I never experienced before. Many of us just stood basking in the presence of Jesus, blessing Him and praising Him as Holy Spirit moved among us, filling us, pouring out among us. As we prayed in our Heavenly language Pastor Shawn released a word from God over us that was powerful and promising and we waged war on the kingdom of darkness. 

Towards the end of the service he instructed us to lay hands on those around us who needed prayer for healing. I laid my hand on the shoulder of the woman next to me and began to pray scripture of healing over her, and decreeing and declaring as the Lord had taught to do. I was so lost in prayer. As she began to fan herself she told me my hand was making her hot from the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!

Yesterday a young woman had called me needing deliverance and I felt an urgency to pray with her. As the evening neared I contemplated... should I continue to spend time with her in prayer and watch the service on the replay or should I go to church. I sought guidance from Holy Spirit and He said "Go to church!" Thank God I obeyed because I left that service feeling so overly flooded with the Holy Spirit. Even though I didn't experience the feeling of intoxication from Him, I felt so much joy and happiness and and a feeling of abundant fullness of Him. 

Jesus brings life, light, and happiness to all those who choose to follow Him. It was recently brought to my attention that someone from my past was talking crap because they don't feel I deserve such blessings from the Lord. Who is she they say.... God is no respecter of person.... what He does for me, He will do for you too. The Bible is filled with His promises to us, but there are contingencies. Many don't want to lay their life down and surrender to Him, but that is part of the promise. Obedience and Faith are the currency of Heaven, that is what moves the heart of God. You must be obedient and you must believe!

I love you my friend! If you need prayer, please submit a prayer request and I will lift your prayer up before the throne of God. If this has blessed you and you want to send a comment or sign up for email notifications you can do so on the Contact page. If you have a testimony you want to share or read those of others please do so on the Testimony page

I pray that God blesses every one of you and may this month be a December to Remember!

Much love,

Holly W <3


Nov 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It's always at this time of year that we sit and reflect on all we have to be thankful for. No matter where I spend Thanksgiving I have always tried to make it a tradition to go around the table and have everyone reflect on what they are grateful for. 

Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday. I loved gathering with my family and enjoying a great meal. Often we would all travel home and gather at my grandmothers house and have dinner. We all lived about three to four hours away from home in different areas of Pennsylvania. At the end of the meal my mom and I would clean up the dishes and load up the leftovers in my grams old Country Crock bowls she would save. We would all have lots to take home with us. 

Two years ago in 2019 Thanksgiving changed for me. I spent that day alone in a grocery store parking lot waiting for my brother and his family to finish up their festivities so we could travel home to prepare to say our final goodbyes to our grandmother. The precious woman who had made every one of our holidays so memorable and so meaningful had gone home to Heaven just two days prior. 

As I was in prayer this morning I was thanking God for all He has done for me. I was thinking about my grandmother and how God placed me in her care and even though I didn't appreciate it at the time He knew what was best for me. You see, my mother was very young, practically a child still herself when she had me. She lived at home with her parents, and they ended up taking custody of my brother and I. My grandfather died when I was seven and since my grandmother was blind I was the oldest person in the house who could see. I became my grandmother's eyes for her. 

She never allowed her disability to hinder her, she was an amazing woman who did many things most blind people didn't. She cooked, cleaned, crocheted, did everything except drive pretty much. My brother and I never had the best of material possessions, however, we never lacked anything, especially attention or unconditional love. My grandmother was overprotective of me. I believe it's because she didn't want me to follow down the same path as my mother and end up with a great grandchild too early. I resented her at times for this, but as an adult I look back and realize just how blessed I have been. 

It's all about our perspective. We can choose to look at the situation and things surrounding us in a negative way or we can see the blessing in them. Even though my Thanksgiving now has a heavy memory that comes with it, I am thankful I will see my grandmother again one day. I'm thankful for my grandmother's sacrifice, her commitment, her unconditional love for me, and the Spirit of God that lived in her that gave her the courage and the guidance to raise me into the amazing woman I have become today. 

If you woke up today, you are blessed! Even though you may spend the day alone, you're still alive. Even though you may have next to nothing, you still have something! There are many out there going through something much worse than you are. 

I encourage you to look for the blessings in your life and take a moment to thank God for all He has done for you!

Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you!

Much love, 

Holly W <3 

Nov 21, 2021

Last Sunday while in church we were singing "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There Is Freedom and as I looked around I could feel the Spirit of God in the room and I could see Him manifesting through everyone around me, including myself. As I stood swaying back and forth dancing with a smile on my face and in my heart I could feel such a freedom that is beyond anything that could ever be described. The worship leader danced around the stage, another on the worship team danced and clapped while having her own moment with Jesus. Meanwhile in the congregations we were jumping up and down, clapping, singing, and raising their hands to the Lord in praise. However, there was one person who really caught my attention.

Word of Knowledge - A word of knowledge is when God supernaturally imparts comprehension of a current or past situation to you that you would not otherwise know. The word of knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts and has been known to manifest with a sense of urgency.

 A week prior a word of knowledge was given that someone was contemplating suicide that morning. I noticed one man in particular that many people gathered around to pray for and I assumed the word was in reference to him. I could see he was down and going through something that day. However, this past Sunday I watched him jump, praise, and shout to the Lord... because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom!

This past week I had my online grand opening for Grace On Display and there were a few nights I wanted to work on designing more products and uploading them to my website...however God had other plans for me. On Wednesday he told me to start praying for people. A few months ago while in prayer I was telling God how I was worried about some of my loved ones in particular because I feel they either don't know Jesus, don't believe in Him, or have strayed away and it was in that moment He told me I needed to start speaking up. In the days that followed I reached out to every one of 485 people on my Facebook at the time and said a prayer for them, hoping to open their eyes. For a moment I considered the reactions I would get but decided I'd rather upset them then disobey God. The response was mind blowing. So many were thankful for that prayer and received it at just the right moment. 

At that point I began my prayer journal. I wrote down every person's name that asked for continued prayer and wrote down their needs. Then God began to show me how to pray for those people. He told me to write down scriptures pertaining to each one of their needs and decree and declare it over them as I prayed for them. You see the Bible is the living Word of God and in it, it tells us that God watches over His word to make sure it is performed. My journal has grown over the past couple months and even more so in the past few days. 

I began sending messages out to everyone on my Facebook (until FB blocked me) and asked if each person had any prayer requests. I literally had hundreds and hundreds of people respond. The world needs Jesus and there is power in prayer! I spent hours and hours each night in the midnight hours praying over each person. I'd write them a personal prayer which flowed out of me straight from the Holy Spirit. Some people weren't specific but the Holy Spirit would tell me what to pray. 

I have testimony after testimony of how God has worked in the lives of those I've prayed for. You can actually find some of them on my Testimony page here on my website. 

One in particular...a man I had reached out to told me he was a new believer in Christ and asked me to pray for his living situation and his children. I did. I lifted him up in prayer the way I was taught to do and a few hours later I got the following message from him. 

Thank you! The craziest thing just happened. I'm 127 days sober off a long time herion/meth addiction. I give all the thanks to God for my new found sobriety. I never would have been able to do it on my own, but He has blessed me an amazing support group in my brothers & sisters in Celebrate Recovery. So I started a new job a couple weeks ago. It's the 1st job I've had in a few years & is a very physically taxing job. Ever since I've been waking up multiple times a night & my hands are so sore I can't even make a fist, can hardly even text they hurt so bad. Last night/this morning was the worst they've hurt yet, but right now they only hurt a little. You didn't mention anything about healing in that prayer you sent me but you did rebuke Satan. I dont know what happened when I read your prayer but I do know my hands haven't felt this good in weeks! & I almost didn't even respond to your message because I thought u were one of them BOT accounts that just randomly messages people, trying to lure them in so they can scam $. Thank you. People keep telling me about the power of prayer & I believe it now more than ever. Praise God & thank you!

Glory to God! Praise Jesus!

I want to end with this... our world is in trouble. The only one who can heal our land is Jesus Christ. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us "If my people who are called by name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways, I will hear them from Heaven and I will heal their land." 

Jesus wants to change every one of your lives. You would not believe the supernatural lifestyle I have been living because I have been obedient and I have faith. What He's been doing for me and just like He changed that mans life in the testimony above, He will do for everyone of you. But it's a lifestyle... and once you decide to live that lifestyle, the Holy Spirit changes your life and it's not a hard thing to do! But you have to want it. 

I pray that everyone has a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving. May God bless everyone of you!

As always...If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, or reach out to me you can use the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I pray numerous times daily and will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

May God bless you!

Holly W <3


Nov 14, 2021

I came across this photo a few months ago while doing some t-shirt design and it really stuck out to me. My first thought of course, was of Jesus raising from the dead in three days. However, in the past week I've come across many other "three day events" in the Bible and even in my own personal life.

In the end of June I attended a service at Reformation Center in Mt Laurel, New Jersey. That Sunday the Apostle/Prophet of the church began to prophesy to me in the middle of the service. One of the things he said was "God is turning you, He's bringing you into three days and in those three days He is resurrecting your future that the enemy thought he would rob from you. " In that moment I was not sure what to expect but in the days that followed God showed up in a mighty way and led me where He needed me to go. 

Here are a few significant three day events in the Bible:

  • Christ was crucified and rose again on the 3rd day
  • The Israelites had only been on their journey 3 days before they began to complain
  • The Lord descended upon Mt Saini as fire on the 3rd day
  • Jonah took a 3 day journey across the city of Nineveh
  • Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days
  • Joseph held his brothers in prison in Egypt and released them on the 3rd day
  • Esther fasted for 3 days before going to the king to save her people
  • Abraham was to sacrifice his son after a 3 day journey to Mt Moriah
  • Moses asked Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to go on a 3 day journey into the wilderness
  • When Jesus was 12 years old he was "lost" for 3 days
  • Saul was blinded for 3 days
  • The Israelites arrived at the Jordan River and in 3 days they entered into the Promised Land

This last one really caught my attention. I have felt like I've been on a journey to the Promised Land. The Lord instructed me to leave behind everything in Pennsylvania and go to Destin, Florida, which I see as my "Promised Land". Well here I am!

In April God poured a business venture into me which quickly became an official business "Grace On Display". I haven't really been doing anything with it but always figured once I got settled in my new land I would do more with it. 

On November 1st I decided to order a few t-shirts so I could make myself some shirts that I really liked. While on the site, I felt led to order multiple shirts in both black and white of each size Large through 3X. I've heard it said that sometimes God is waiting for us to take that step out in faith. Well let me tell you... that prophetic step opened up the flood gates of Heaven and in just three days the Lord resurrected our business. (I say "our" because it belongs to Him. He handles the heavenly side and I handle the Earthly side.)

All of a sudden things were happening so quickly and I couldn't believe it. God began pouring new designs into my mind. I was looking at a design of an American Flag with a cross in the middle of it and I heard the Holy Spirit begin to whisper "If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from Heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. I added a few touches and posted my new design on Facebook and within hours I had a few orders for this new shirt. 

But it didn't stop there.... next I had Yelp contacting me for advertising for my business that would help drive customers to my website. I had created an online rewards program for customers to accumulate points for purchases and different incentives to use towards coupons and gift certificates on the website. I also activated a chat client to engage with customers on the website. I created coupon codes for discounts and special occasions. Then a financing company called After Pay contacted me to continue the process of establishing credit for customers.

And then...I heard the whisper of the Holy Spirit once more.... November 15th.... do a virtual online grand opening! So here we are... one day away from the grand opening and I want to take this opportunity to invite everyone to stop by... online of course! I will be doing most of the activities through Facebook. I will be offering coupon codes for the grand opening event and a free gift with every purchase. In addition, I will be playing bingo online through Facebook throughout the day with prizes, door prizes, and lots of fun! I invite everyone to stop by and browse my site, participate online in the fun, and see what Grace On Display has to offer.

You can join the event by going to Grace On Display Grand Opening Event (Click on that).

As always...If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, or reach out to me you can use the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I pray numerous times daily and will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

I pray that God blesses you abundantly and your week is filled with joy and love! I look forward to seeing you online on Monday for our grand opening event!

May God bless you!

Holly W <3



I haven't been to many Waffle House's in my days, but let me tell you there is something special about this one. 

Two weeks ago on my way home from church on Tuesday night I was hungry and wanted to grab dinner to take home. As I made my way down the strip of of Highway 98, I pondered what I would stop to get. Burger King was closed and I didn't really feel like eating Taco Bell. I didn't want fast food anyhow and was seeking something more filling. I ended up stopping at the Waffle House which happened to share a parking lot with the Village Inn hotel I had stayed at for a week upon arriving in the area. 

I noticed I was the only customer as I entered. I sat at the counter and as I looked at the menu the waitress made a comment about liking the shirt I had on. It was one I had made that had a Nike sign with three crosses in it and it said "Jesus Did It". I made small chat with the two waitresses while deciding to order the Chicken Hashbrown Bowl with a piece of chocolate pie to go. It was shift change and as the cook came behind the counter he looked at me and mentioned he liked my shirt also. Wow....the people working here were just my type of people... Jesus people!

While I was waiting for my food a customer smelling strongly of alcohol entered and sat next to me. This made me uncomfortable a bit but I began to relax as I began to talk about Jesus to him. He had come to Destin on vacation to get away. He had been sober for five years and had started drinking a few days ago while hanging out at the hotel trying to get a break from his problems back home. I remember saying to him.... what if God led you to Destin for this divine moment that we would meet so I could pray for you and the issues you are going through! He was quite the gentleman honestly and made every attempt to pay for my dinner. As I headed out he asked me to keep in touch and the waitress told me to come back and see her sometime. 

I had exchanged phone numbers with this man and that Friday he asked me to go to dinner with him as friends. I agreed. As I sat waiting for him at the Waffle House I engaged in conversation with another one of the waitresses and we talked about Jesus. I had never been around so many people in one location who so boldly proclaimed their love for Jesus....except at church! Dinner was nice and this man even stopped to make sure we prayed before eating. 

This past Tuesday night I was headed home from church once again and decided to stop by the Waffle House and have dinner. Again it was shift change and the place was empty. As I sat at the counter looking over the menu once again another man came in and sat down a couple seats down from me. We both ordered and dined in. He sat minding his business while I chatted with the the cook and the waitress about my journey I was on and about my relationship with God. I was telling them how He instructed me to leave everything behind and move to Destin and how He aligned me with an amazing church. The young man got up and came over standing next to me to pay for his food. He turned and looked at me and said "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but I couldn't help hearing your conversation. A year ago the Lord did the same exact thing with me, He had me leave everything behind and move here and I you would not believe how He has provided for me. Keep doing what you're doing and following Him". Wow!!!

Isn't it amazing how the Lord places you at the right location at the exact right moment. I continued to talk to the waitress and I was telling her I feel the glory of the Lord was upon this place. She told me someone else recently had said the same thing to her. 

I've been blessed the majority of my life with amazing career opportunities and never worked in the hospitality field. But I'll tell you what... I have a desire to get a part time job at this Waffle House just so I can share the love of Jesus with everyone who comes in there. If you ever find yourself in Destin I strongly encourage you to stop by here for a meal and check it out for yourself. 

Once again... If you enjoyed reading this and would like to sign up for email notifications when I post new content or you want to  leave a comment, or reach out to me you can use the Contact page

If you need prayer please reach out using the Prayer Request page. I pray numerous times daily and will continue to cover you in prayer. 

If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to share with me please use the Testimony page. 

I pray that God blesses you abundantly and your week is filled with joy and love! 

May God bless you!

Holly W <3


It's been a bit since I've written, mostly because I've been settling in to my new area. Since I've written I've met some new people, joined the women's ministry at the church, am in the process of becoming a member of New Life Church, and got settled into my new home. 

In my last post I was talking about how Prophet Chris said that two people were going to receive notification about their housing situation. One by email and one by phone call. One would happen within 72 hours and the other within 7 days. I was definitely one of them! Praise the Lord!!! 

When I arrived in Florida I stayed in a hotel for the first week and was paying almost $100 a day. Lord knew I couldn't afford that. Prior to arriving I had made arrangements with someone on Facebook to meet on the 15th to look at a room they were renting out. Once I arrived in Destin I knew I wasn't going to take the place because it was an hour away from where the Lord called me to go. As the day neared I still felt the need to go meet with them and look at the place. On my way there I was praying and contemplating in my mind why I was even going there. I had a thought come into my mind that perhaps this person needed me to pray for them. I never had contact with this person (they weren't the one who posted the ad on Facebook) and I knew nothing about them. The house was beautiful, in a great neighborhood, and even had a swimming pool which I had been praying and asking God for. Regardless, I knew this wasn't for me. As I sat and chatted with the lady, she began to tell me about all the health issues she had been dealing with and then began to cry. I took her hand and asked her if I could pray for her. She was so grateful. I was honest and told them the place was probably not for me due to the distance but in my heart I knew God sent me there to be a light for that woman and so I could continue to pray for her. 

Now, as I mentioned in my prior post, I had met a woman in the hotel lobby where I was staying that I felt very led to go speak to. That very same night that Prophet Chris said someone's housing would come by way of email, she told me she felt led to ask me for my email address. I was like WOW! Her and I developed a friendship and we started spending time together. At one point she encouraged me to check out the local shelters just to save money and this really got into my head for a moment. I heard they aren't that bad around here but I began to question....God do you really want me to go stay at a shelter? Why would you want me to do that? Do you want me to go there to be a light to all the women there? Do you want me to bring Your glory there? Perhaps He wants me to humble myself... but I believe God is not going to take me backwards and I let the thought of the shelter go. 

I continued to pray about my housing situation and the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to look on Airbnb. Honestly, I ignored Him for a few days. I had tried to rent a house on there a year or so ago for a getaway while in Pennsylvania and for some reason it told me my account was invalid. I don't even know what that means! 

Isaiah 22:22 - He will open doors no one will be able to close and He will close doors no man may open.

Isaiah 43:16 - I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.

Even though it seemed impossible for me to rent on Airbnb.... God will make a way where there seems to be no way!

Eventually I ended up going on there and looking around and I was astounded by the amount of places available at a much lower rate then I was paying at the hotel. I did a bit of research, checked out the reviews, and then reached out to a couple of people explaining my situation and asking if I could come check out their place. The first place I checked out seemed great. The owner had great reviews and he told me he was very rarely there. I would have the whole place to myself unless someone else came and rented another room. I decided I would take the room and move in Sunday since that's when I was checking out of the hotel. 

In the meantime, another person responded to my email and told me to come check out the place on Sunday. I was back and forth in my head for a day or two regarding what to do. This place was a few dollars more but I really liked the idea of living with a woman instead of a man. By Saturday night I decided I was going to take the first place and move into the guys house. I woke up Sunday morning, checked out of the hotel, and on my way to church I decided I would go check out the other place just for the heck of it. As I was on my way there I remember talking to my friend on the phone and saying "I'm praying this is a divine alignment from God and these people are Christians and everything is going to work out". Little did I know, that's exactly what it was!

I showed up, checked the place out, and was like.... okay this will work for now. I'm going to stay here for a week and see if I like it. The thing about me is it's very hard for me to make myself comfortable in someone else's house. I'm shy at times and don't like making myself at home at someone else's house. Fortunately, whether I knew it or not God was preparing me for this over the past two years while I was living in a roommate situation with my boyfriend at the time and a woman we had met on Craigslist. (Yes, I was living with my boyfriend at the time but I wasn't right with God then.)

As I sat at the table discussing things with the couple who owned the home they asked what brought me to the area. To tell my story to an unbeliever...they think I'm completely out of my mind! Regardless, I told them the short version of how God told me He was moving me to Destin Florida and here I am! I looked at them and said Do you believe in God?. They looked at each other and then agreed to share a story with me. Without going into the details on here, I will say they told me that on June 29th they had their second date and the Holy Spirit had told each of them they were each other's mate. 

Now this is how God works! In this moment, I absolutely knew this was where God had called me to go. This is the home I was suppose to be living in and I knew that by that story. You see it was prophesied to me that on June 29th the Holy Spirit would visit me in a dream and give me instruction. That's exactly what happened! On June 29th as I lay sleeping the Holy Spirit came to me in a dream and told me to "Move and Wait on God". This was confirmation from God that this was where He wanted me to be. But in case I wasn't sure, He provided another confirmation for me. In the next few minutes I exchanged contact information with the couple and as I gave him my phone number he said You're not going to believe this.... the combination to your room is the same exact last four digits of your phone number. Wow!!! This is how God works! He is definitely ordering my steps, guiding me where He wants me to go, and speaking to me! Glory to You Lord Jesus! I love You!!!

Psalm 37:23 - The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their life. 

Just like God knows me, so does the enemy. He knows my weaknesses and knows how to catch me up in a trap. 

1 Peter 5:8 - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Not every good idea is a God idea. I believe the enemy led that woman from the hotel to ask me for my email address to try to catch me up in a trap. The enemy wants to take me off my course and away from my calling. I have a caring heart and feel for those in need. In my lifetime I've taken on other's burdens when it wasn't my responsibility. Had I gone to that shelter I would have felt for those around me and the enemy would have used that to his advantage. I would become caught up in everyone else's problems and taken on false responsibilities. I could have become so entangled in a web of drama that God never intended for me to be a part of. One thing I've come to realize is the enemy always sends the counterfeit first. He tries to replicate what God is doing but in his own devious way that will take us away from God's plan for our life. 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 


Oct 13, 2021

Everyday I pray and ask God to order my steps. According to Psalms 37:23 The Lord directs the the steps of the Godly and He delights in every detail of their life. 

I spent the majority of my morning and afternoon sleeping. Today was my day to check out of the hotel I  am in, but I extended my reservation through Expedia yesterday. I had plans of getting up and going to the front desk to check back in prior to 11 AM but I was so tired. I called and they told me I could come down anytime. 

I woke up, prayed, then felt an urgency to go handle my business. I walked down to the office and while I was standing there waiting a woman walked in. While we were both waiting we engaged in small chat regarding the news that was on the television. As she was starting to walk away I felt something inside me telling me to speak to her. She mentioned something to me about the hotel parrot that was sitting there as she walked away and something the pastor said on Sunday was brought to my mind. 

He said there are angels here on assignment ascending and descending. God sends angels to complete assignments, perhaps you will be in the grocery store and an angel will cause the line to be held up to cause you to engage in conversation for a minute with the person behind you. I thought maybe God was telling me to reach out to her, to speak to her. 

I disregarded the thoughts and handled my business then returned to my room and watched Wednesday night service at the Reformation Center on Facebook. It was a powerful service and I encourage everyone to check it out (click on the link). I felt the presence of the Lord in my hotel room as I engaged in worship and prayer. Towards the end of the service Prophet Chris told us he heard the Lord say for everyone to write down three things we were trusting God for. For those online we were to write them in the comments and for those in the congregation they wrote them on index cards. Then they prayed over them. 

One of my prayers was for a home and financial provision into this new journey. Prophet Chris said he seen in the spirit two people were going to be contacted for housing, one was going to be by email and one was going to receive a phone call and it would happen in the next 72 hours for one and within the next seven days for the other. I felt in my spirit that word was for me. As he prayed over everyone's needs I felt the glory of God surrounding me and I I felt His presence so strongly. 

I was so wrapped up in the presence of God that when the service was over I put on worship music and continued to worship God. I was lost in His presence when I was reminded of this woman I met in the hotel lobby earlier. I felt this strong internal feeling that I was to reach out to her. I put on my flip flops and went to the lobby and struck up a conversation with the guy at the front desk. I explained to him that I have a supernatural relationship with Jesus and I felt Him leading me to reach out to this woman. I gave him a paper with my name and number on it and asked him to give it to her. I was ready to return to my room but we ended up continuing our conversation. I was telling him about my relationship with Jesus and my journey when the phone interrupted us. 

It was the woman I was searching for. This hotel has probably over a hundred  rooms.... not sure how many are rented out but what are the chances the woman I was looking for was calling the front desk while I was standing there!!! I knew it was God! He didn't mention anything about me to her.... but then she called back a second time!!!! He told her that there was a lady in the hotel lobby that wanted to speak to her and offered to give her my number but she decided to come down and speak to me. 

I had no clue what God wanted me to say to her but I knew this was a divine moment of the Lord. We sat and talked about Jesus, each of our relationships with Him, our journeys, and so forth. She was saying that God sent out the Apostles two by two (Mark 6:7) and she had been asking God, where is her partner. In that moment I had this feeling that perhaps God was aligning the two of us to form a friendship, a Godly sister relationship. 

As we exchanged contact information she told me she felt like she was suppose to ask me for my email address. My jaw literally dropped. I was immediately reminded of the word Prophet Chris spoke earlier this evening about one person being contacted by email regarding their housing situation. 

Yesterday I met with and spent some time with a couple ladies from my new church. At one point we were praying and seeking God for an answer to my housing situation. Later the one woman told me that as she was praying she was searching and seeking the Lord and He told her she didn't need to search! He already has it under control! He is ordering my steps! He already has everything taken care of!

I love Jesus and for all those who do not know Him... you truly don't know what you're missing out on. The joy and happiness I receive from my relationship with Him is so much more than I've ever experienced from anything of the world. I encourage everyone to ask yourself.... what is stopping me from having a relationship with Jesus? 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 



Oct 10, 2021

Ever since January of this year (2021) I knew God had called me to go to Florida but I wasn't sure of exactly where until June. My sister in Christ gave me insight that the Holy Spirit revealed to her I would make my home in Destin. I absolutely trusted the word and began to set my sights on that area. 

Within the past two weeks, God made it clear to me it was time for me to go where He had called me. I was praying and asking Him for certainty and clarity that I was indeed to go to Destin and to help me find a church family there. The right church! 

Sometimes when God speaks to me I question whether it's my thoughts or His that I'm hearing. Of course He knows this. Last week while in prayer and asking for confirmation I asked the Lord where I was to go in Florida and I heard something that sounded like "Okaloosa". I was like oh no.... I thought I was going to Destin... now I'm hearing something else, Lord please help me to hear You correctly. I googled Okaloosa Florida and sure enough, that's the county Destin is in. 

You see God knows us.... He knows our thoughts, He knows what we go through, He knows every single tiny detail about us. He knew if He told me Destin I would question if it was my thoughts or His. So He told me in a way that I was certain it would be His voice. I had never heard that word before, so it surely wouldn't have come from my own thoughts. 

This past Tuesday morning, I awoke with a woman of God on my mind. Prophetess Janet German, whom this past May I began following her ministry. I've slacked off a bit over the past month and haven't caught as many of her lives as I use to and it was not normal for me to be thinking of her like this. I got up and began to pray which is my normal routine. I was asking God to order my steps and to guide me to wherever He needs me to go. I was casting my cares on Him regarding having no friends or family in Destin and just really feeling the desire to find a church family for spiritual covering and to bring Kingdom minded people into my life. As I was telling Him this I heard "New Life" in my spirit. I finished praying and googled "New Life" church in Destin Florida. Sure enough, one turned up in my search results. I began to investigate, check it out and two things stuck out to me immediately. Janet German was our mutual friend and 555 people had "checked in" to the church on Facebook

One of the amazing things about God is He will speak to us however he desires and one of those ways is through numbers. The number five biblically represents grace and favor and to see 55 often represents a double portion of grace and favor. For the past four or five months I have been seeing 55 often, however, in the past two months I have begun to see it EVERYWHERE! An alert will go off on my phone saying an email came in and I will pick up my phone to look at it and notice it's 5:55. I will look up at the clock in my car and see it's 1:55. I was scrolling through Facebook and seen a Facebook live of a woman I follow and she had 555 people on her live in that moment. I will go to the store and my total will be $xx.55. I literally see 55 almost every day and often multiple times a day... without searching for it! When I seen this I absolutely knew it was confirmation this was the church God was leading me to. 

This morning I visited the church. Funny story... I put the address in my GPS, pull along down the small road and immediately see a church on my left. I pull in the parking lot, park, get out of my car, and begin to walk to the door. Then I see this small sign that says Church of Latter Day Saints. Huh? Confusion began to set in.... then my eyes sees a sign across the street that says New Life. Ah ha! 

From the moment I walked in the door I felt so welcomed. The lady knew I was new and engaged in conversation with me which led to me sharing a bit of my story with her. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I told her how alone I felt and how I had envisioned my move differently. She assured me God had led me to the correct place and I now had a safety net and a home in this church family. She introduced me to another woman who introduced me to both the pastor and then later to the pastors wife whose name also happens to be Holly. Everyone was so loving and welcoming. 

The service was what I had been desiring for so long now. The presence of God was there and the Holy Spirit was moving freely throughout the congregation. I could feel His presence so strongly on me. The message was "I Shall Be". It doesn't matter who I use to be or who I am now... God sees me as who I shall be. He sees me as who He has called me to be. He sees my potential and who I shall become. 

The pastor was telling us that while speaking to God this morning He asked him if there was anything He wanted him to say. God said to tell everyone "Everything is going to be okay". Sometimes I hear a word and the enemy tries to convince me that word isn't for me. In that moment he tried to sneak in and do it again... but it didn't work. God said to tell everyone.... that included me. If God said everything is going to be okay... then EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY!. He doesn't lie and He doesn't just say things. His words are truth! And that's when I realized... He sent me here... I'm not going to worry about where I'm going to live, I'm not going to worry about my finances, I'm not going to worry about anything... because God said everything is going to be okay.

I spent my afternoon exploring the area, taking some photos, getting a few groceries, and relaxing. I have begun to really envision myself putting down roots in this area which is what I envisioned every time I declared Amos 9:15... I will firmly plant them there in their own land. They will never again be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the Lord your God.

As I ended my conversation with the pastors wife earlier, she welcomed me and turned to walk away. Then she turned back around and looked at me and said "Welcome Home". That stuck with me throughout the entire day.  I am certain that I have found my new home.... both in location and in my new church family!

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 


Oct 9, 2021

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! For those who don't know, my name is Holly Wardlaw. I was born in Pennsylvania and lived my entire life there... until about three months ago! July 1st I embarked on a spiritual journey which I'm going to share with everyone here on my blog. 

Just a short background.... God radically opened my eyes to the spiritual world almost a year ago and I now have a relationship with Him instead of the religion I had all my life. January of this year (2021) I was having a conversation with God and He told me He was moving me to Florida. At the time it made absolutely no sense. I had a great career, a beautiful home, my family, and people I really loved and cared about, which I ended up leaving behind three months ago. 

My spiritual journey with my Heavenly Father has been a learning experience as well. I grew up attending an Assemblies of God church and as an adult didn't attend church at all. I gave my life to Jesus at the age of thirteen but nothing changed. All my life I thought I only had to say a prayer and believe in Jesus and I would go to Heaven. How wrong I truly was... and I can't thank God enough for waking me up. 

At the time I was awoken, Covid was going on and a lot of churches were closed. This was the perfect opportunity for God to lead me to the ministries that He wanted me to come under. I began to learn about many things I honestly knew nothing about. I thought I knew so much about the Bible but the truth is I knew next to nothing!

Back to January 2021... "Oceans" by Hillsong  became my favorite song. The lyrics say "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior. " 

So this is saying..... Jesus, lead me out of my comfort zone, let me do what physically appears impossible.... wherever You want me to go, whatever You want me to do. Take me to places I could never go on my own, have me do things I cannot do on my own, and by doing this my faith will increase because Jesus is there with me. 

Little did I know this would become my reality. In July I walked away from my entire life in Pennsylvania and headed towards Florida... with a pit stop in South Carolina. I was under the impression God was restoring my relationship with my ex-husband Tony and I thought we were moving to Florida together. Now whether Tony is a part of  my future, I am uncertain at this time, however, what I do know is if he is.... it's all about God's perfect timing and now is not the time. 

When I discovered this I was crushed. I felt heart broken, depressed, and even angry at God. I turned my back on Him and ignored Him for a few days while falling into a slump. But let me tell you... it's not His fault I was feeling that way. God never told me to go to South Carolina, He never told me Tony and I were moving to Florida together and at this point I'm questioning whether the vision I had of our marriage restoration was from God or my own desires. Even though I turned my back on Him, He never turned His back on me. He continued to love on me, He continued to search me out, He continued to keep His hand upon me, and He continued to favor me. 

It's been a rough two weeks but today I took the next step in my journey and left South Carolina with the destination of Florida, where God has called me to go. You know, it was easy for me to get up and leave Pennsylvania because I was going to be with someone I loved. Coming to Florida was not as easy. 

In Genesis 12, God told Abraham to leave his father's house, to leave the land he was living in and to travel to the place He called him to. Abraham didn't know where God was leading Him, he didn't know where he was going, or what was going to happen. But he trusted God. I find my journey much like Abrahams. God called me to Florida. I have no home here, no friends, no support system, no job, no safety net....but I trust God and with Him I cannot fail!

I had been looking for a church family to join in the area He called me to go to and earlier this week while in prayer God revealed to me the name of the church. I had reached out to them on FB that day but no response. Literally minutes after pulling out of the driveway in South Carolina today, someone from the church reached out to me. Tomorrow morning I will visit and I can't wait to see what God does next. 

I know not everyone shares my beliefs but please don't let that be the reason you don't follow me. Not only will I be sharing the spiritual side of my journey but I will be sharing life in my new town of Destin, Florida. I look forward to chatting next time. 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

May God bless you!

Much Love, Holly W <3 


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