
Spirit Lead Me...

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! For those who don't know, my name is Holly Wardlaw. I was born in Pennsylvania and lived my entire life there... until about three months ago! July 1st I embarked on a spiritual journey which I'm going to share with everyone here on my blog. 

Just a short background.... God radically opened my eyes to the spiritual world almost a year ago and I now have a relationship with Him instead of the religion I had all my life. January of this year (2021) I was having a conversation with God and He told me He was moving me to Florida. At the time it made absolutely no sense. I had a great career, a beautiful home, my family, and people I really loved and cared about, which I ended up leaving behind three months ago. 

My spiritual journey with my Heavenly Father has been a learning experience as well. I grew up attending an Assemblies of God church and as an adult didn't attend church at all. I gave my life to Jesus at the age of thirteen but nothing changed. All my life I thought I only had to say a prayer and believe in Jesus and I would go to Heaven. How wrong I truly was... and I can't thank God enough for waking me up. 

At the time I was awoken, Covid was going on and a lot of churches were closed. This was the perfect opportunity for God to lead me to the ministries that He wanted me to come under. I began to learn about many things I honestly knew nothing about. I thought I knew so much about the Bible but the truth is I knew next to nothing!

Back to January 2021... "Oceans" by Hillsong  became my favorite song. The lyrics say "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior. " 

So this is saying..... Jesus, lead me out of my comfort zone, let me do what physically appears impossible.... wherever You want me to go, whatever You want me to do. Take me to places I could never go on my own, have me do things I cannot do on my own, and by doing this my faith will increase because Jesus is there with me. 

Little did I know this would become my reality. In July I walked away from my entire life in Pennsylvania and headed towards Florida... with a pit stop in South Carolina. I was under the impression God was restoring my relationship with my ex-husband Tony and I thought we were moving to Florida together. Now whether Tony is a part of  my future, I am uncertain at this time, however, what I do know is if he is.... it's all about God's perfect timing and now is not the time. 

When I discovered this I was crushed. I felt heart broken, depressed, and even angry at God. I turned my back on Him and ignored Him for a few days while falling into a slump. But let me tell you... it's not His fault I was feeling that way. God never told me to go to South Carolina, He never told me Tony and I were moving to Florida together and at this point I'm questioning whether the vision I had of our marriage restoration was from God or my own desires. Even though I turned my back on Him, He never turned His back on me. He continued to love on me, He continued to search me out, He continued to keep His hand upon me, and He continued to favor me. 

It's been a rough two weeks but today I took the next step in my journey and left South Carolina with the destination of Florida, where God has called me to go. You know, it was easy for me to get up and leave Pennsylvania because I was going to be with someone I loved. Coming to Florida was not as easy. 

In Genesis 12, God told Abraham to leave his father's house, to leave the land he was living in and to travel to the place He called him to. Abraham didn't know where God was leading Him, he didn't know where he was going, or what was going to happen. But he trusted God. I find my journey much like Abrahams. God called me to Florida. I have no home here, no friends, no support system, no job, no safety net....but I trust God and with Him I cannot fail!

I had been looking for a church family to join in the area He called me to go to and earlier this week while in prayer God revealed to me the name of the church. I had reached out to them on FB that day but no response. Literally minutes after pulling out of the driveway in South Carolina today, someone from the church reached out to me. Tomorrow morning I will visit and I can't wait to see what God does next. 

I know not everyone shares my beliefs but please don't let that be the reason you don't follow me. Not only will I be sharing the spiritual side of my journey but I will be sharing life in my new town of Destin, Florida. I look forward to chatting next time. 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

May God bless you!

Much Love, Holly W <3 

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(850) 312-8081 


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