
Welcome Home...

Ever since January of this year (2021) I knew God had called me to go to Florida but I wasn't sure of exactly where until June. My sister in Christ gave me insight that the Holy Spirit revealed to her I would make my home in Destin. I absolutely trusted the word and began to set my sights on that area. 

Within the past two weeks, God made it clear to me it was time for me to go where He had called me. I was praying and asking Him for certainty and clarity that I was indeed to go to Destin and to help me find a church family there. The right church! 

Sometimes when God speaks to me I question whether it's my thoughts or His that I'm hearing. Of course He knows this. Last week while in prayer and asking for confirmation I asked the Lord where I was to go in Florida and I heard something that sounded like "Okaloosa". I was like oh no.... I thought I was going to Destin... now I'm hearing something else, Lord please help me to hear You correctly. I googled Okaloosa Florida and sure enough, that's the county Destin is in. 

You see God knows us.... He knows our thoughts, He knows what we go through, He knows every single tiny detail about us. He knew if He told me Destin I would question if it was my thoughts or His. So He told me in a way that I was certain it would be His voice. I had never heard that word before, so it surely wouldn't have come from my own thoughts. 

This past Tuesday morning, I awoke with a woman of God on my mind. Prophetess Janet German, whom this past May I began following her ministry. I've slacked off a bit over the past month and haven't caught as many of her lives as I use to and it was not normal for me to be thinking of her like this. I got up and began to pray which is my normal routine. I was asking God to order my steps and to guide me to wherever He needs me to go. I was casting my cares on Him regarding having no friends or family in Destin and just really feeling the desire to find a church family for spiritual covering and to bring Kingdom minded people into my life. As I was telling Him this I heard "New Life" in my spirit. I finished praying and googled "New Life" church in Destin Florida. Sure enough, one turned up in my search results. I began to investigate, check it out and two things stuck out to me immediately. Janet German was our mutual friend and 555 people had "checked in" to the church on Facebook

One of the amazing things about God is He will speak to us however he desires and one of those ways is through numbers. The number five biblically represents grace and favor and to see 55 often represents a double portion of grace and favor. For the past four or five months I have been seeing 55 often, however, in the past two months I have begun to see it EVERYWHERE! An alert will go off on my phone saying an email came in and I will pick up my phone to look at it and notice it's 5:55. I will look up at the clock in my car and see it's 1:55. I was scrolling through Facebook and seen a Facebook live of a woman I follow and she had 555 people on her live in that moment. I will go to the store and my total will be $xx.55. I literally see 55 almost every day and often multiple times a day... without searching for it! When I seen this I absolutely knew it was confirmation this was the church God was leading me to. 

This morning I visited the church. Funny story... I put the address in my GPS, pull along down the small road and immediately see a church on my left. I pull in the parking lot, park, get out of my car, and begin to walk to the door. Then I see this small sign that says Church of Latter Day Saints. Huh? Confusion began to set in.... then my eyes sees a sign across the street that says New Life. Ah ha! 

From the moment I walked in the door I felt so welcomed. The lady knew I was new and engaged in conversation with me which led to me sharing a bit of my story with her. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I told her how alone I felt and how I had envisioned my move differently. She assured me God had led me to the correct place and I now had a safety net and a home in this church family. She introduced me to another woman who introduced me to both the pastor and then later to the pastors wife whose name also happens to be Holly. Everyone was so loving and welcoming. 

The service was what I had been desiring for so long now. The presence of God was there and the Holy Spirit was moving freely throughout the congregation. I could feel His presence so strongly on me. The message was "I Shall Be". It doesn't matter who I use to be or who I am now... God sees me as who I shall be. He sees me as who He has called me to be. He sees my potential and who I shall become. 

The pastor was telling us that while speaking to God this morning He asked him if there was anything He wanted him to say. God said to tell everyone "Everything is going to be okay". Sometimes I hear a word and the enemy tries to convince me that word isn't for me. In that moment he tried to sneak in and do it again... but it didn't work. God said to tell everyone.... that included me. If God said everything is going to be okay... then EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY!. He doesn't lie and He doesn't just say things. His words are truth! And that's when I realized... He sent me here... I'm not going to worry about where I'm going to live, I'm not going to worry about my finances, I'm not going to worry about anything... because God said everything is going to be okay.

I spent my afternoon exploring the area, taking some photos, getting a few groceries, and relaxing. I have begun to really envision myself putting down roots in this area which is what I envisioned every time I declared Amos 9:15... I will firmly plant them there in their own land. They will never again be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the Lord your God.

As I ended my conversation with the pastors wife earlier, she welcomed me and turned to walk away. Then she turned back around and looked at me and said "Welcome Home". That stuck with me throughout the entire day.  I am certain that I have found my new home.... both in location and in my new church family!

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 


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