Oct 13,

He Orders My Steps...

Everyday I pray and ask God to order my steps. According to Psalms 37:23 The Lord directs the the steps of the Godly and He delights in every detail of their life. 

I spent the majority of my morning and afternoon sleeping. Today was my day to check out of the hotel I  am in, but I extended my reservation through Expedia yesterday. I had plans of getting up and going to the front desk to check back in prior to 11 AM but I was so tired. I called and they told me I could come down anytime. 

I woke up, prayed, then felt an urgency to go handle my business. I walked down to the office and while I was standing there waiting a woman walked in. While we were both waiting we engaged in small chat regarding the news that was on the television. As she was starting to walk away I felt something inside me telling me to speak to her. She mentioned something to me about the hotel parrot that was sitting there as she walked away and something the pastor said on Sunday was brought to my mind. 

He said there are angels here on assignment ascending and descending. God sends angels to complete assignments, perhaps you will be in the grocery store and an angel will cause the line to be held up to cause you to engage in conversation for a minute with the person behind you. I thought maybe God was telling me to reach out to her, to speak to her. 

I disregarded the thoughts and handled my business then returned to my room and watched Wednesday night service at the Reformation Center on Facebook. It was a powerful service and I encourage everyone to check it out (click on the link). I felt the presence of the Lord in my hotel room as I engaged in worship and prayer. Towards the end of the service Prophet Chris told us he heard the Lord say for everyone to write down three things we were trusting God for. For those online we were to write them in the comments and for those in the congregation they wrote them on index cards. Then they prayed over them. 

One of my prayers was for a home and financial provision into this new journey. Prophet Chris said he seen in the spirit two people were going to be contacted for housing, one was going to be by email and one was going to receive a phone call and it would happen in the next 72 hours for one and within the next seven days for the other. I felt in my spirit that word was for me. As he prayed over everyone's needs I felt the glory of God surrounding me and I I felt His presence so strongly. 

I was so wrapped up in the presence of God that when the service was over I put on worship music and continued to worship God. I was lost in His presence when I was reminded of this woman I met in the hotel lobby earlier. I felt this strong internal feeling that I was to reach out to her. I put on my flip flops and went to the lobby and struck up a conversation with the guy at the front desk. I explained to him that I have a supernatural relationship with Jesus and I felt Him leading me to reach out to this woman. I gave him a paper with my name and number on it and asked him to give it to her. I was ready to return to my room but we ended up continuing our conversation. I was telling him about my relationship with Jesus and my journey when the phone interrupted us. 

It was the woman I was searching for. This hotel has probably over a hundred  rooms.... not sure how many are rented out but what are the chances the woman I was looking for was calling the front desk while I was standing there!!! I knew it was God! He didn't mention anything about me to her.... but then she called back a second time!!!! He told her that there was a lady in the hotel lobby that wanted to speak to her and offered to give her my number but she decided to come down and speak to me. 

I had no clue what God wanted me to say to her but I knew this was a divine moment of the Lord. We sat and talked about Jesus, each of our relationships with Him, our journeys, and so forth. She was saying that God sent out the Apostles two by two (Mark 6:7) and she had been asking God, where is her partner. In that moment I had this feeling that perhaps God was aligning the two of us to form a friendship, a Godly sister relationship. 

As we exchanged contact information she told me she felt like she was suppose to ask me for my email address. My jaw literally dropped. I was immediately reminded of the word Prophet Chris spoke earlier this evening about one person being contacted by email regarding their housing situation. 

Yesterday I met with and spent some time with a couple ladies from my new church. At one point we were praying and seeking God for an answer to my housing situation. Later the one woman told me that as she was praying she was searching and seeking the Lord and He told her she didn't need to search! He already has it under control! He is ordering my steps! He already has everything taken care of!

I love Jesus and for all those who do not know Him... you truly don't know what you're missing out on. The joy and happiness I receive from my relationship with Him is so much more than I've ever experienced from anything of the world. I encourage everyone to ask yourself.... what is stopping me from having a relationship with Jesus? 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 


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