Dec 1, 2021

Turning Point Tuesday...

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts God aligned me with an amazing church family at New Life. If you missed it, go check out my post "Welcome Home". Tuesday nights are Turning Point Tuesday service. 

Every week during this service the Holy Spirit moves in great power and many are filled and become "drunk in the Spirit". Now many can argue whether this is Biblical and in the past I've even questioned it and researched it myself. Every service, I go in, and as I engage in worship I find myself easily distracted by everything going on around me. Everyone around me is lost in their own moment with God...except me. Then as worship comes to an end many are filled overflowing and become filled with joy and laughter... as I sit there wondering what's wrong with me... why am I not experiencing this? 

This past Sunday on my way home from church I was in deep conversation with God. I had disobeyed His prompting of where to spend Thanksgiving and felt very convicted and saddened about the situation. Time has passed quickly and as the holiday approached I realized it had snuck up on me. I was a bit sad because of the time of year and I was missing my family and loved ones. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me I was to spend Thanksgiving with this one woman from my church. As the week went on, the pastor said there were families who were opening up their homes to those who didn't have anyone to spend Thanksgiving with, and then as if Holy Spirit hadn't confirmed it to me already, the woman's husband got on the pulpit Tuesday night and invited everyone personally to their home. Thanksgiving morning... the woman reached out to me personally and invited me over and I struggled with it because I kept telling myself I wanted to stay home and be alone, even though I knew I was to spend it elsewhere. 

Sunday morning while talking to this woman, she asked about my holiday and I told her I spent it at home. Her response was "Do you feel that is where you were meant to be that day?" and I knew... no it wasn't.... I was suppose to spend it at her house. She knew it and so did I.  It wasn't about the holiday.... it was about God had a reason for me to be there and I missed it by my disobedience. 

As I drove home that afternoon, I repented and then began to talk to Him about how I feel like something is missing. I see everyone around me in their own worship with Him but I feel like I'm on the outside looking in. A while ago I came to realize that I try to limit the Holy Spirit when moving in my life. When I'm home or alone.... I'm dancing, singing, praising, lost in my world with my Father, but when I'm at church around others, I get shy and limit myself from jumping in the river. Sunday, I surrendered that to God and I asked Him to take that from me. 

Yesterday evening as I was on my way to church I was lost in praise and worship. When I'm in my car I have my music loud and I will be singing and moving to the music as I worship Jesus. I was worshiping to two of my favorite songs.... Open Up The Heavens and Glorious Day. As I was talking to God I had this feeling in my Spirit that we were going to sing one of them at church and I remember thinking, God if I'm right and we really sing one of these then I know it was all You. 

I got to church and worship started and don't you know we started by singing Open Up the Heavens. Jesus... I knew you were going to come through! Then that song ended and the next one started.... "I was buried beneath my shame. Who could carry this kind of weight? It was my tomb... Til I met You". 

Yes Jesus!!!! I couldn't help but stand there smiling from ear to ear, overwhelmed with the feeling of being so loved by my Father. We didn't just worship with one of my favorite songs.... we were worshiping with both of them!!!! I got lost in my own intimate moment with Him as I jumped in the river of the Holy Spirit. 

The service was one like I never experienced before. Many of us just stood basking in the presence of Jesus, blessing Him and praising Him as Holy Spirit moved among us, filling us, pouring out among us. As we prayed in our Heavenly language Pastor Shawn released a word from God over us that was powerful and promising and we waged war on the kingdom of darkness. 

Towards the end of the service he instructed us to lay hands on those around us who needed prayer for healing. I laid my hand on the shoulder of the woman next to me and began to pray scripture of healing over her, and decreeing and declaring as the Lord had taught to do. I was so lost in prayer. As she began to fan herself she told me my hand was making her hot from the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!

Yesterday a young woman had called me needing deliverance and I felt an urgency to pray with her. As the evening neared I contemplated... should I continue to spend time with her in prayer and watch the service on the replay or should I go to church. I sought guidance from Holy Spirit and He said "Go to church!" Thank God I obeyed because I left that service feeling so overly flooded with the Holy Spirit. Even though I didn't experience the feeling of intoxication from Him, I felt so much joy and happiness and and a feeling of abundant fullness of Him. 

Jesus brings life, light, and happiness to all those who choose to follow Him. It was recently brought to my attention that someone from my past was talking crap because they don't feel I deserve such blessings from the Lord. Who is she they say.... God is no respecter of person.... what He does for me, He will do for you too. The Bible is filled with His promises to us, but there are contingencies. Many don't want to lay their life down and surrender to Him, but that is part of the promise. Obedience and Faith are the currency of Heaven, that is what moves the heart of God. You must be obedient and you must believe!

I love you my friend! If you need prayer, please submit a prayer request and I will lift your prayer up before the throne of God. If this has blessed you and you want to send a comment or sign up for email notifications you can do so on the Contact page. If you have a testimony you want to share or read those of others please do so on the Testimony page

I pray that God blesses every one of you and may this month be a December to Remember!

Much love,

Holly W <3


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