Apr 2, 2023


Early last week I met a man who was going through a hard time in his life. He had needed a ride and it was a divine appointment from God. In the hour that we spent together inside my taxi cab he poured his heart out to me and confided in me.  He told me about his deep love for his wife and children and his desire to be reunited with them.

 Within the next day or two I texted him to check on him and invited him to church. He was really going through a lot and God had really put this man and his family on my heart. 

On Thursday morning I received a phone call from him. Simply put, he told me he was in the midst of attempting to commit suicide. My first reaction was to lead him to Jesus. When I asked him if he was certain he would go to heaven, his hesitation was enough for me to doubt he was. As he sat on the phone sharing his final words with me, Holy Spirit took over and began bubbling up out of me. I prayed in the spirit, crying out to God while contacting 911. When the EMT arrived he was still alive, even though he should have medically been dead. In this moment God had saved his life. There are many more details to this story and this assignment that God put me on, but that is not the reason for this blog. 

As I sat sharing this story with my loved one, I was reminded of a very similar situation I had been in a few years prior. In mid to late 2020 someone I loved very much was going through a situation much like this gentleman I met last week. He had contacted me several times, sharing with me what he was experiencing. He was being tormented by the devil, experiencing thoughts that weren't his own, and showing signs of what the world would consider paranoia. One day he called me and was on the verge of committing suicide. As he sat speaking to me about it, I did nothing. It breaks my heart to think that as I sat there listening, I believed in my heart that was his best option at that time. 

You see, at this time in my life I was blind. I believed in Jesus but the enemy had me confused. I had read too many Sylvia Browne books and actually believed that when we died we would go to an "afterlife" that was whatever we made it. I believed "heaven" was for everyone and it was our happy place of whatever made us happy here on Earth. I thought only terrible people went to Hell and it wasn't as bad as people said it was. 

I cannot thank God enough for interceding in both of these men's lives. My loved one found Jesus the day he was actually on the verge of attempting it and began his journey of deliverance and being set free from demonic strongholds that same day. The gentleman I met last week, well I believe with all my heart he had an encounter with Jesus before it was too late. 

This experience has really touched me this past week. God is powerful and he has a practice of orchestrating one thing to bring about many for his glory. The old phrase "killing many birds with one stone" is what I'm speaking of. None of this is about me. I'm not a victim and I'm not a hero. I'm a vessel, a willing servant of Christ Jesus and I'm blessed that He chose me to be a part of it. I'm honored that He trusted me to do His work. Every bit of the glory goes to God. Through all of this, I heard the Lord speaking "Redemption" to me. I feel that He has used this to redeem me of my past experience with my loved one. 

Redemption - the action of saving, or being saved from sin, error, or evil

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Not one of us is without sin. God sent His precious son Jesus into this world as a man, destined to die on a cross, to provide redemption for our sins. God has made it so simple for us, we must only believe in Jesus and choose Him. I promise you, you don't need to be perfect, you don't need to be in the right place or at your best. Jesus is waiting to meet you right where you are in life. 

Life is short and we have no control over it. We know not when we will take our last breath. If you don't know for certain that you are going to Heaven should you die today, I encourage you to invite Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. The same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead will be your guide and your helper. He will lead you and help you as you are made new through Jesus. God said He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Believe in your heart and pray this prayer with me. Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I repent. I ask  you to come be Lord and Savior of my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Create in me a clean heart. Lead me and guide me in all truth. Transform my life. In Jesus name, Amen!

If you are struggling with thoughts that are not your own. If you're having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting yourself, please reach out to me and I will be happy to confidentially help you without any judgement. 

Jesus loves you so much and so do I. 

God bless!

Holly W <3

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